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欧盟贸易的政策The European Union Trade Policy【国外金融经济课件】
Gaspar Frontini, Chief Economist European Commission DG Trade Global Europe: New orientations for EU trade policy Contents 1. The context: The EU爂rowth and job strategy 2. Analysis of EU external trade 3. Global Europe: policy initiatives ?Refocus on the actions directly linked to job and growth Complement the Lisbon agenda by reinforcing its external dimension: the Global Europe Strategy - A fundamental review of EU Trade policy to make sure that it complies with the objectives of growth and employment - Based on these conclusions, a new trade agenda was launched under the leadership of Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson Make the European Union the most competitive economy in the world and achieving full employment by 2010 2005 mid-term review lead to: EU Growth and Jobs strategy Huge challenges to address: Emergence of major new economic actors Fragmentation of the production process Accelerating rate of innovation Politics of globalisation becoming more difficult Increased public scrutiny Need to fight protectionist tendencies Need to show benefits of globalisation to citizens Need to take into account the fact that there are winners and losers ?Need for a review of our policy The Changing Global Context - Global Europe Current trade policy adapted to the new context? Review based on: On the import side: Assessment of EU openness. We need to import in order to export i.e. to provide cheap input for our industries. Need to develop fair competition On the export side: Analysis of EU forces and weaknesses in order to define priorities - Global Europe Overall message of the Global Europe Strategy Rejection of protectionism at home Seizing opportunities of globalisation - Global Europe I. Industrial products Average duty by type of products, according to processing stage Raw materials Intermediary goods Finished products Weighted average Low protection average and a low dispersion around this average Openness of the EU market: I.
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