《功能薄膜材料》课件PPT第3章 真空及真空获得.ppt

《功能薄膜材料》课件PPT第3章 真空及真空获得.ppt

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《功能薄膜材料》课件PPT第3章 真空及真空获得

* 湿泵不适用于存在反应气体的腔体 * 优点:响应速度快 缺点:需要校正,对于不同的气体,常有不同的测量范围 * Vacuum Regulation The vacuum regulator maintains a steady vacuum level in the system by admitting air into the system to balance incoming air with the amount of air being removed by the vacuum pump. When more air is entering the system than being removed, the vacuum level drops and the regulator closes. If more air is being removed than is entering, the vacuum level rises and the regulator opens to admit air. A good regulator will respond quickly to vacuum level changes and minimize vacuum fluctuation in the system. The ability of the regulator to respond to vacuum fluctuations depends upon the characteristics of the regulator as well as where it is located in the milking system. A test of the response of the regulator to vacuum fluctuations is part of a thorough system analysis performed by a service technician. The ultimate test of effectiveness of vacuum regulation is the vacuum stability during milking. According to ASAE standards, the mean equilibrium vacuum in the receiver should not drop more than 0.6 Hg (2kPa) below the normal vacuum level during milking. This level should be maintained even during cup attachment and removal, liner slips, and unit fall off. * 操作步骤 盲孔和焊接-不要造成放气源 外部 内部 焊接位置 Gas inlet MFC Vacuum Chamber Pressure Gauge Variable Capacitance Valve Roughing/Backing Pump Valve Valve Oil Filter Gas Outlet High Vacuum Pump 讨论: 1、上述系统的操作过程 2、在使用上述系统时,正常情况时机械泵运转很有节奏,分子泵高速运转的声音也十分清晰,半小时真空可达到相当好的水平。然而今天打开系统后发现,机械泵运转十分吃力,始终有很多气排出,但系统真空度很低,不能开启分子泵。对这样的情况请写出你的处理办法。 几乎所有的薄膜沉积技术、加工技术、表征技术都需要真空系统, 比如溅射系统(薄膜沉积或刻蚀),TEM, XPS 红线表示目前能达到的真空度 本图的应用:平均自由程和真空腔尺寸的对比,与腔壁的碰撞速率,单层形成时间 * Electron tubes, cathode ray tubes, TV tubes, photomultipliers, x-ray tubes accelerators, mass spectrometers, isotope separators, heating coating… * 在理解薄膜沉积技术的时候需要 影响不同真空下的薄膜沉积,比如APCVD,LPCVD * * 从分子入射到单位面积的数量来推导。 短导管公式取不同的极限就得到长导管和孔的流导 短管的流导也可约等于长管和孔的串联。 * * * C越大,实际抽速越大, 与体积流量,设计的时候需要考虑管道和真空泵的搭配 只能检查比较明显的漏气,可以通过对比抽气泵的极


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