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学号 8111101031 院系 外国语学院 西安翻译学院 XI’AN FANYI UNIVERSITY 本科毕业论文(设计) Dissertation for Bachelor’s Degree 题 目: On Differences Between Chinese and American Charity Culture 学生姓名: 肖 峥 嵘 指导教师: 李 婧 娟 学科专业: 英 语 2012年6月 Abstract Charity is not only the embodiment of modern civilization, but also the important boost of moral development of our human civilization . In this paper, I willdescribethe current situation of the development of philanthropy in China and Americaandanalyse the difference of the respective impact of philanthropy which is brought by these two countries in the cultural, social structure, economic structure,and institutional arrange- ment, On this basis, from the perspective of civil society, to fully explore the development of philanthropy inspiration. Key words: China; America; charity culture; comprison 摘要 慈善是现代文明的体现,也是人类文明和道德发展的重要助力。本文通过中、美两国目前慈善事业发展的现状描述,分析了中、美两国在文化、社会结构、经济结构、制度安排等方面的差异对各自慈善事业所带来的影响。以此为基础,从公民社会的角度充分探讨了对我国慈善事业发展的启示。 关键词:中;美;慈善文化;比较 Contents Abstract in English………………………………………………………………….ⅰ Abstract in Chinese………………………………………………………………...ⅱ 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 2. Modern definition of charity…………………………………………………….. 3. The function of mordern charity………………………………………………... 4. Development of Sino-US comparative analysis of philanthropy…………… 5. Significant differences in the development of Sino-US charitable causes... 5.1 what stimulates the U.S. and chinese companies to participate in charitable activities, motivation………..... 5.2 U.S. billionaires in the enthusiasm of different charitable activities…... 5.3 Mainland China and Hong Kong tycoons in more charitable activities.. 6. From the cultural perspective of Sino-US cultural differences charity……… 6.1 American charity culture……………………………………………………. 6.1.1 Evi


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