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2.第16号行政令 2000 主题: 肉及肉制品进入菲律宾的规章、方针、标准程序 鉴于,在输入肉及肉制品进入菲律宾的来源国家中发生了一系列疾病爆发(如口蹄疫、疯牛病禽流感 等)和污染物(如二恶英等); 鉴于,有必要防止携带疾病,污染,掺假肉和肉类制品进入, 其中有对潜在的消费人群的生命安全/身体健康造成威胁,及对畜牧家禽业经济造成严重后果; 鉴于,对待进口肉类及肉类制品需要有一个完整而透明的法规,以确保进口肉类和肉类制品的安全/健康和质量; 所以现在我,EdgardoJ安加拉书记农业部、 根据菲律宾和消费者行为第18章4、第四篇 第四册第292号行政命令, 特此发出这项进口肉类和肉类制品的命令; Administrative Order No. 16 Series of 2000 Subject : Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures on the Importation of Meat and Meat Products into the Philippines WHEREAS, there were series of discase outbreaks (e.g., Foot and Mouth Disease, Mad Cow Disease (BSE), Avian Influenza, among others) and contaminations (e.g. dioxin, etc.) in countries where the Philippines sources its meat and meat products; WHEREAS, there is need to prevent the entry of disease-carrying, contaminated, and/or adulterated meat and/or meat products, which endanger the lives and safety/health of the consuming public and are potentially causing serious economic consequences on the livestock and poultry industry; WHEREAS, there is a need to issue an integrated,rationalized, improved, and transparent rules and regulations governing the importation of meat and meat products to ensure the safety/health and quality of imported meat and meat products NOW, THEREFORE, I, EDGARDO J. ANGARA, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, in accordance with the Consumer Act of the Philippines and Section 18, Chapter 4, Title IV, Book IV of Executive Order No. 292, do hereby issue this Order governing the importation of meat and meat products; 目 录 第一节 定义 第二节 产品 第三节 原产地要求 第四节 申请兽医检疫(SPS进口许可证) 第五节 进口商的要求 第六节 标记和包装的要求 第七节规定-处置 第八节. -罚则 第九节-废除 第十节-分离条款 第十一节-附件有效性的 附件A:名单公布__A.O品涵盖大、 附件2000系列的 附件B:要求从认证出口商/国家签发对进口肉类及肉类产品兽医检疫手续 Section I. - Definition of Terms Section II. - Covered Products Section III. - Requirements at the Country of Origin Section IV. - Application for veterinary Quarantine Clearance (SPS Import Permit) Section V. - Requirements from an Importer Section VI. - Lab


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