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实习期间的25个禁忌  1.Never assume youre better than your co-workers just because you come from an elite school。  不要因为你来自名校就以为你比同事强。  2.Dont tell your supervisor that you cant work late tonight because you have plans。  别跟主管说你今晚不能熬夜是因为你有别的安排。  3.Dont leave the office before your supervisor, even if that means you spend a few hours staring at the wall or surfing the net.  不要走得比主管早,即使是你走之间花一段时间盯着墙壁发呆或是上网乱逛。  4.Never talk about how you hate your internship or your co-workers. You never know whos listening.  别抱怨你的实习工作或同事,当心隔墙有耳。  5.Dont slack off if your boss isnt in for the day. Ask other people if they have anything for you to complete。  假使老板不在你也别偷懒,问问其他人有什么是你能做的。  6.Dont ask a person the same question more than once。  同一个问题别重复问第二次。  7.Dont make the mistake of hitting reply all on a company email. There are enough viral web stories to inform you of the results of that mistake.  回复公司邮件时不要犯误点“回复全部”的错误。网上有不少段子能告诉你这么做的后果。  8.Dont forget to check for misspellings and punctuation in emails, even if your boss writes like a kindergartner.  别忘了检查邮件里的错别字和标点符号,即使你的老板写邮件和小孩子写得一样。  9.Dont hit on the cute guy/girl intern in your group. This is unprofessional and at the very least, could make things awkward.  别在实习的时候喜欢上你同组的帅小伙/姑娘,至少这很不职业,而且可能会演变得很糟糕。  10.Never say that you just wanted to see what banking is like. If you do, kiss your full time offer good-bye。  不要说你只是为了想见识下银行业是怎么样的。如果你这么说,就别想得到全职offer了。  11.Never brag about who you know or what youve done. Only discuss this when asked.  永远别吹嘘你认识谁谁谁,或是你做过什么事。仅仅当被问及的时候才讨论这些东西。  12.Dont open your pay check in front of your boss. They already know how much it is and they dont want to see your pathetic reaction.  别在老板面前打开你的工资条。他们知道里面有多少钱,也不想看你那沮丧的表情。  13.Dont wear nice watches. Your co-works will assume that youre spoiled or its a fake。  别戴名表。你的同事会觉得你被宠坏了或者那是块假表。  14.Dont forget to clip your suit vents. Otherwise everyone who rides the elevator with you will laugh behind your back.  别忘了夹好你西装后面的开叉口。不然等你坐电梯时会有人在背后笑你。  15.Do not wear French collared



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