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广西大学行健文理学院 毕业论文 题目:浅析关汉卿杂剧的女性意识 学 部: 人文学部 专 业: 汉语言文学 班 级: 20xx级 学 号: xxxxxxxxxx 学生姓名: XXX 指导教师: X X 二○一X年 五 月 摘 要 (空一行,宋体三号) 关汉卿是我国元杂剧的奠基人之一,在他的笔下塑造出了一批光辉的女性形象。她们或是机智泼辣,或是情深意重,或是反叛忤逆,剧作者都给与了她们极大的同情和赞扬。但是由于时代的局限,关汉卿把这些女性纳入男权文化角色范围内,很少站在女性利益的角度上去思考问题。本文将采用文本细读和阅读大量文献的方法,从女性的视角去分析关汉卿杂剧的女性意识。本文第一部分,主要分析关汉卿杂剧中男权对女性的绝对支配权的问题。通过分析《窦娥冤》中窦天章卖女现象看其男性对女性肉体上的支配权,据析窦娥对蔡婆改嫁的态度和《蝴蝶梦》中王母的“贤德”品行看其男权意识对女性思想的禁锢和残害。第二部分,主要分析关汉卿对被排斥于社会主流文化之外的妇女的安置和婚姻的态度,探其女性“贞洁”观和婚姻观。关汉卿具有一定的女性意识,但是由于男权社会男性作家的特权阶层观念,以及文人为儒家性别制度所规范的狭隘的思想格局,使得关汉卿虽然同情妇女,但却始终无法走出男权文化所规定的范围,为女性寻找到一条正确的出路。 (空一行,宋体小四号) 关键词:关汉卿 杂剧 《窦娥冤》 女性意识 Analysisfemale consciousness of Guan Hanqing’s Drama (空一行,三号) Abstract (空一行,三号) Guan Hanqing was one of the founders of the Yuan Dynasty in China, a number of brilliant image of women in his pen shape. Them or pungent wit, or Song of or rebel rebellious, playwright and gave them a great deal of sympathy and praise. But due to the limitations of the times, Guan Hanqing these women into the patriarchal cultural role within the womens point of view rarely stand up thinking about the problem. This article will use the text reading and read a lot of literature, from a female perspective to analyze Guan Hanqing female consciousness. The first part of this article, the main analysis problems of the Guan Hanqing men the right to absolute control over women. Sinus days the chapter selling female phenomenon of Snow in Midsummer male dominance in the female flesh, according to the analysis Dou Cai Po remarried attitude and Butterfly dream Wangs Mother virtuous conduct its of male chauvinism Feminism detention and mutilation. The second part of the analysis of Guan Hanqing attitude on the resettlement of women and marriage are excluded from outside the mainstream culture, exploration of female chastity and Marriage. Guan Hanqing with a certain degree of consciousne


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