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No1(2分)单选题 ? 配置T64E时,通过串口线连接 ( )板的com口 To configure the T64E, connect the com interface of the ( ) board through the serial cable UPC SFC NPCI BIC No2(2分)单选题 ? 以太网交换机的每一个端口可以看做一个 Each port of the Ethernet switch can be seen as a ( ) 冲突域Collision domain 广播域Broadcast domain 管理域Management domain 阻塞域Blocked domain No3(2分)单选题 ? 一个路由表里同时存在对同一个网段的static,rip,OSPF路由,各自采用默认的管理距离,请问在路由表里优先选择哪一种路由 A route table contains the static/rip/OSFP routes of the same network segment and they adopt the default management distance respectively. Which type of routes is selected with priority in the route table? static rip OSPF 这三种路由负载均衡These three types of routes have balanced load ? No4(2分)单选题 ? 数据链路的拆除和建立是在OSI参考模型的哪一层完成的? Data link removal and setup are completed at the ( ) layer of the OSI reference model 网络层 Network layer 数据链路层Data link layer 物理层 Physical layer 以上都不对None of the above is correct No5(2分)单选题 ? DNS工作于() DNS works at ( ) 网络层Network layer 传输层Transport layer 会话层Session layer 表示层Presentation layer 应用层Application layer No6(2分)单选题 ? 关于二层交换机的说法不正确的是 Which of the following statements about the L2 switch is wrong? 不同VLAN之间不能通信Different VLANs cannot communicate 传统的二层交换机网络是一个广播域,支持VLAN的二层交换机也是如此The traditional L2 switching network is a broadcast domain; so is the L2 switch supporting VLAN. 不同VLAN之间的通信必须要通过路由Communication between different VLANS must be implemented through a route. 在传统的二层交换机中,交换机仅根据MAC地址进行帧的选路和转发The traditional L2 switch conducts frame routing and forwarding according to the MAC address No7(2分)单选题 ? 在配置了帧中继本地DLCI和对端IP地址的映射后,使用什么命令来校验配置? After configured mapping between the local DLCI and peer-end IP addressing of the frame relay, which of the following commands is used to check the configuration? show frame-relay pvc show frame-relay map show frame-relay traffic show frame-relay lmi No8(2分)单选题 ? IP地址190.233.27.13/16所在的网段的网络地址是 The network address of the network segment where IP address is located is ( ) 190.233


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