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主谓一致 练一练: Reading in the sun _____ bad for your eyes. A.are B.was C.is D.are Someone _____ knocking at the door now. A.is B.are C.was D.were The shoes ___ mine,This pair of shoes ___ my brothers’. A.are,is B.is,are C.are,are D.are,am Either Li Lei or I ____ going to carry water for Grandma tomorrow. A.was B.am C.is D.Are All but one ______ here just now. A. Has B. are C. was D. were 5、否定词作主语谓语用单数 6、看词义:例如: the Greens , family, police, class, team, the young the speaker and writer, the number of…, a number of …, one of… Each of…, both of…., some of…, two thirds of… 7. 一个整体作主语谓语用单数 twenty years, ten dollars… 练一练: No news _____ good news. A.are B.is C.am D.Were The police ____ looking for the lost boy. A.is B.are C.be D.will be Ten yuan _____ not expensive. A.is B.are C.be D.was 练一练 The doctor and writer _____(have) been here for two years. Nothing ______ (be) impossible. A pair of new shoes _____ given to me as a present by my father last week. Tom‘s new trousers _____(be) blue. He or she _____ (have) gone there. The news _____ (be) very interesting. 练一练: Every door and every window _____ (be) to be cleaned. The rich _____ (be) not always happy. Three months ____ (be) not enough for us Neither of us _____(dare) to climb the tall tree. Mr Read,with his mother, ____ (be) watching TV. Five hundred miles _____ (be)a long way. 近义词区分 arrive in(at) / get to / reach arrive in+大地点 at + 小地点 如果后没地点时只能用arrive get to +地点 reach +地点:另外reach还有“够到,达到”之意 My uncle reach Beijing yesterday. My grandpa has reached 100 years old. 注意:如果动词后接副词home, here, there时,则介词省略。如: come here, arrive there, get home 1. --- Has your uncle ________ --- Not yet. 2. He is the first to ________ to the top of mountain. 3. Can you __


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