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New Horizon College English;Pre-reading Activity 2. While-reading Activity 3. Post-reading Activity;Pre-reading Activity;Background Information;3. William Blake (1757 - 1827) was an English poet and artist . The quotation used in Passage A comes from the first verse of a poem called London. More information about William Blake can be found from links at /penn/blake1.htm . The fox condemns the trap, not himself. 狐狸只责怪陷阱,而不责怪自己。 The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship. 鸟需归巢,蜘蛛需织网,人们需友谊。 The busy bee has no time for sorrow. 忙碌的蜜蜂没有时间悔恨 ;;Lead-in Activity listen to the passage and then Answer questions on the page 152: in group work or pair work.;Text structure: ;2. While-reading Activity; 例:1. I‘m very cautious about expressing my opinions in public. 我对公开发表意见十分谨慎。 2. My brother, intensely cautious, never makes a decision lightly. 我弟弟特别谨慎,从来不轻易作决定。 ; 例:1. Theres an exception to every rule. 每条规则都有例外。 2. Most of his songs are awful but this one is an exception. 他的歌大多数很糟糕,但这首歌是例外。 ;;Toss : n. 投掷;摇荡 v. 投掷, 掷币 [俚语] 搜身;; 例:1. She polishes her shoes. 她擦亮自己的鞋。 2. I need to polish up my English before we go on vacation. 在我们度假之前,我需要提高一下自己的英语。 3. He spent a lot of time polishing his poem. ; 过去式 -- 进行式 Spanned –spanning 例:Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a human life. 七十或八十岁是一个普通人正常的寿命时期。 ; 例:There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers. 额外的乘客需另外付费。 additional cost 额外费用 additional problems 另外的问题;identify [aidentifai] vt. 确定;识别; ;6. rather than… :不是…而是…; 与其说…不如说… 相当于 instead of + noun (名词) 例:I think I‘ll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想要一杯冷饮料而不是咖啡。 The purpose is to reform criminal rather than punish them. 目的是改造罪犯??而不是惩罚他们。 Its purpose was to help society rather than to help inventors. 他的目的是为了帮助整个社会,而不是发明者。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等 ;


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