(精选)英语unit 12 儿童的交流技能课件.ppt

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Unit 12 Children`s Communication Skills;Practice for Children`s English Teaching Skills;Fast Fast Fast(快快快) Let two children should stand in a row. When the game begins, another child will ask them which number do they want and each number means a different question. If a child can answer the question right, he/she can get a certain step forward. Otherwise, he/she must get a certain step back. The child who gets the destination first will be the winner. ;2、Read the expression for classroom management ;;Henry was driving very fast, on Ocean parkway in New York. He was going to a business meeting and he did not want to be late. His eyes looked around at the other cars, as he quickly made his way through the traffic. Just as Henry was about to enter the highway, another car cut in from him. ; Henry opened his window and yelled at the other driver. Sam, the other driver didn’t like being yelled at. He was in a rush as well. So Sam put his anger into action and cut Henry off at the next turn. Henry’s tension now turned to anger at this other driver who had made him angry twice. Within seconds, Henry cut him off, leaving only inches between the two cars.; The two guys drove like racecar drivers! Just as Henry thought he had left the other car behind, he looked in the rearview mirror and there it was again. Sam stepped on the gas, opened his window, and matched Henry’s yelling. This only made things worse and they drove even faster.;;Then they got into the same elevator. There had angry faces as they looked at each other. Both were surprised as they walked out of the elevator and through the same door. Then they realized the truth. Henry the supplier and Sam the customer were running late to meet each other.;Something to remember: Be kind to the people you meet on the highways and byways of your life, because paths cross, lanes merge, and you never know where or when you may meet some of those very same people once again. ;4、Read the following rhymes;Go(走) Green,


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