(精选)英语第一册unit 4 At the Immigration Office课件.pptx

(精选)英语第一册unit 4 At the Immigration Office课件.pptx

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Background MaterialTips for Reference In the International Arrival Hall, tourist will go through the following formalities: 1. Sanitation Quarantine: If you are given a Health Card from the Quarantine Institute during the flight, please fill in the necessary information and hand it over to the Immigration Station for inspection. 2. Immigration Inspection: Please make sure your Disembarkation Card is filled in completely and then present it together with your passport to immigration officials for inspection. 3. Check-in Baggage Claim: After proceeding to the Baggage Claim Area, please go to the designated carrousel for your flight to claim your check- in baggage. Baggage carts are available at the Baggage Claim Area for your use. 4. Customs Formality: Please use the green channel (no declaration channel) if belongings your carried don’ t exceed your Duty Free Concession. Use the red channel (declaration channel) if they exceed the Duty Free Concession or if you are not sure. 5. Leaving the Airport: Taxis are available outside of the exit of the Domestic Arrival Hall.Situational DialogueVocabularyDialogue Onearticlen.物品belongingsn.财产,所有物contrabandn.违禁品,走私品currencyn.货币dutiableadj.应纳关税的有税的dutyn.关税Situational DialogueVocabularyDialogue Oneleisuren.物品restrictionn.财产,所有物visan.违禁品,走私品immigration controln.货币Immigration Officeadj.应纳关税的有税的Quarantine Inspectionn.关税Situational DialogueDialogue OneS: I see. Is it true that we’ ll have to state the purpose of going to a certain country?L: That’ s right. People go abroad for different purposes: some for leisure, some for business, and some for other purposes. We just need to say “sightseeing” . That’ s enough.S: Do they have any restrictions on the articles we’ re carrying at the customs?L: They’ ll check to see if you’ re carrying any contraband. And sometimes they’ ll ask you to declare things, make a record of your foreign currencies and so on.S: Are all the belongings subject to duty?L: No. Your personal belongings are not


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