(精选)英语口语unit 6 Banqueting and Catering Services课件.ppt

(精选)英语口语unit 6 Banqueting and Catering Services课件.ppt

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Unit Six;Contents;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge; ; ; ;1;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Types of Banquet Service 宴会服务类型;4. Preset service: It is a faster service that is often for lunches. The first course of soup, salad or appetizer is set on the table before the guest arrives. 5. Buffet service: It is a display of food items on table stations, so that attendees can select food for their own. This service may combine with other styles. For example, a banquet may begin with a buffet and then a sit-down dinner served plate style; or the first and deserved courses are served by waiter and the main dishes buffet style.;Reading Comprehension; ; ;Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展;Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展;A Letter of Complaints 抱怨及批评信 ; ;;Situation 1;;Situation 2;;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;4. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 这位导游总是很幽默。(manner) It is the tour guide’s manner to be humorous. 2. 昨天人们很少外出,因为迷雾笼罩了全城。(swallow up) People seldom went out yesterday because the fog swallowed up the whole city. 3. 幸运地是,大雨在我们动身前往北京之前停了。(fortunately) Fortunately, the heavy rain stopped before we started for Beijing. 4. 我的护照不在手边,以后再给你看吧。(at hand) I haven’t my passport at hand, but I’ll show it to you later. 5. 我们一贯坚决主张国家无论大小应一律平等。(urge) We have persistently urged the equality of nations, big or small.;Exercises;1. It’s a species that has adapted well to winter climes. 2. It’s well-known that the living customs vary from country to country. 3. The guest took a sip of


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