(精选)外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 19 agency课件.ppt

(精选)外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 19 agency课件.ppt

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Lesson 19 Agency 代理 Learning Objectives To learn how to negotiate agency provisions, i.e. sales volume, duration, district, commission and etc. To learn the basic expressions used in negotiating an agency agreement Conversation A Focus on: Request for acting as a sole agent Market potential Commission rate Duration District Sales restrictions Notes 1. potential 潜力 show a great market potential 显示出极大的市场潜力 develop the market potential 开发市场潜力 exploit/fulfill/realize ones potential 发掘/发挥/实现某人的潜力 2. But you can do even better if you develop some kind of sales network there. 但是如果你们在那儿开发出某种销售网络,你们会卖得更好。 entrust sb with the agency Do you mean to say that if we entrust you with the agency, you will sell $1,000,000 each year? 你的意思是说,如果我们指定你做代理,你可以每年销售$1,000,000? 4. But honestly, an annual sales volume of $500,000 does not justify a sole agency agreement. 但说实在的,$500,000的年销售量不能证明你们能胜任独家代理。 justify 证明 I hope you are able to justify your actions. 希望你能为你的行为找出合理的解释。 The results of the study have certainly justified the money that was spent on it. 这项研究的结果证明当初在这上面花的钱是值得的。 5. grant 给予 We agree to grant you a 2% discount. 我们同意给你方打九八折。 6. entrust sth to sb或 entrust sb. with sth. 将某事委托给某人 Wed like to entrust the project to you.  我们想把这项工程委托给贵公司。 Can we entrust them with the shipment? 我们可以委托他们负责装运事宜吗? 7. double the turnover 使销量翻一番 double v.(使)翻一番,增长到两倍 Company profits have doubled since the introduction of new technology. 自从引进新技术以后,公司的利润翻了一番。 The government aims to double the number of students in higher education within 25 years. 政府打算在25年内使接受高等教育的学生数量翻一番。 treble 增长到三倍 quadruple 增长到四倍,翻两番 8. I couldnt have said it any better.  就是这个意思;我说得再清楚不过了。 9. spend (money) on sth 花钱买… spend (time) doing sth 花费时间做… They spent all the money on the house. 他们把钱全花在房子上了。 She spent a lot of time investigating the market.  她花费大量时间做市场调查。 10. confine 限制 confine sb/sth in/to sth 将……限制在…… Is it proper to confine the stu


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