(精选)商务英语阅读上册unit 7课件.ppt

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Language points encapsulate ----v. to put in a short or concise form 压缩,囊括 e.g. This story encapsulates scenes from his childhood. 这个故事讲的是他童年的事. The chairmans short statement encapsulates the views of the committee. 主席的简短陈辞概括了委员会的观点. UP PREV. NEXT Language points in-your-face attitude 咄咄逼人的态度,源自篮球比赛中依靠身体在对方身上强吃,稍带霸气及鄙视对手,如在防守队员面前(头上)投篮、上篮或扣篮。引申为,在追求个人的目的、利益时,直面挑战和竞争对手,直接表明自己的企图,径直奔向目标。 UP PREV. NEXT Language points S.C. Johnson Son 美国庄臣公司(SC Johnson)。由山姆. 庄臣先生在1886年创建,位于美国威斯康辛州的瑞辛市, 是一家有着100多年历史的家族性企业。庄臣公司是家庭清洁用品、个人护理用品和杀虫产品的世界领先的制造商之一。 UP PREV. NEXT Language points outlast ----v. to live longer than 比。。。持久,比。。。经久 e.g. This clock has outlasted several owners. 这座时钟的寿命比它的几个主人的寿命都长. He will outlast me. 他将比我长寿。 UP PREV. NEXT I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 1. What aroused Knight’s interest in inventing his own business? In Frank Shallenbergers small-business class, Shallenberger asked his class to invent a new business, describe its purpose and create a marketing plan and also defined the type of person who was an entrepreneur, which made Knight aware of what he really would like to do. Reference I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 2. Why does the passage mention such facts as visitors must remove their shoes before entering? It is one part of Japanese culture, so it can give evidence to the fact that Knight has been enamored of Japanese culture and business practices. Reference I. Answer the following questions based on the text. 3. How did Knight use the lust for heroes in promoting his brand name? He found a way to utilize societys worship of heroes, obsession with status symbols and predilection for singular, often rebellious figures. Nikes seductive marketing focuses on a charismatic athlete or image, rarely even mentioning or showing the shoes. Reference I. Answer the following questions based o


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