C access工程项目管理系统设计与实现.doc

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C access工程项目管理系统设计与实现.doc

C#+access工程项目管理系统设计与实现 摘要:现代建筑工程项目流程复杂,信息量大,信息处理方式多样化,对建筑工程项目管理系统提出更高的要求。为了满足项目管理流程的需求,在这设计了一个工程项目管理系统软件。系统可以对项目进行立项、调研、预算、合同、施工、验收阶段进行管理,是人们对于建筑工程流程的管理更加方便。通过对比选择了合适的架构方式及适合的数据库,最后确定了基于C/S架构进行设计的,通过ACCESS进行数据存储。在分析了项目管理系统功能基础上,对项目管理系统功能进行了模块划分,设计了系统数据库, 实现了对工程项目流程和文档的管理;分析了系统用户特点,实现了对于用户权限的管理;给出了项目管理系统客户端的开发方案,采用C#语言开发系统客户端,实现了客户对于建筑工程项目管理的需求。通过这个程序,人们可以更加方便的管理自己的工程项目,很大程度提高了工作效率和工作准确性。5265 关键词:工程项目管理;建筑工程管理;C# Project Management System Design and Implementation Abstract: Modern construction project process complexity, amount of information, information processing forms, and the construction project management system put forward higher requirements. In order to meet the needs of project management processes, in which the design of a project management system software. System can project the project, research, budgets, contracts, construction, inspection stage management, people management processes for construction easier. By comparing selected the appropriate manner and the appropriate database schema, finalized based on C / S architecture designed by ACCESS for data storage. In the analysis of the project management system functions, based on the project management system features a modular pision, the design of the system database, the realization of the project management processes and documentation; analyzes the characteristics of users of the system to achieve the management of user rights; project management system gives the client development program, using C # language development system client, to achieve the customer for the construction project management needs. Through this program, people can more easily manage their own projects; to a large extent improve the work efficiency and accuracy. 4.1建立系统功能模型16 4.2系统数据库18 4.2.1数据字典18 4.2.2系统实现的关键技术19 4.2.3接口设计19 4.3数据库设计20 4.4表结构设计20 5软件实现23 5.1功能模块介绍23 5.2页面设计介绍26 5.2.1登录页面26 5.2.2普通用户界面28 5.2.3立项模块的功能演示28 5.2.4项目调研模块功能演示29 5.2.5预算阶段30 5.2.6合同阶段31 5.2.7施工阶段31 5.2.8验收阶段功能演示32 6系统测试33 7结束语34 致谢35 参考文献


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