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第三届国际化工和医药行业优秀技术和工程实践年会 3rd International Technology Excellence Congress in Process Pharmaceutical Industry Organizer: Co-organizer: 主办: 联合主办: 时间: 年 月 日 th 2007 4 18 --19 Time: 18 --19 , April 2007 地点:中欧国际工商学院 Venue: CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) 拜耳技术工程和中欧国际工商学院将于今年四月十八至十九日在中欧国际工商学院上海校区联合举办第三届国际化工和医药行业优 秀技术和工程实践年会。届时,来自拜耳全球范围内的专家与高管,将携手中欧国际工商学院的资深教授和来自美国国家医药工 程技术学会的知名专家,共同为与会的二百多名国内外化工和医药领域的高级经理人和技术骨干做精彩演讲。 本次年会聚焦拜耳技术工程近年来在中国乃至亚太地区所完成的优秀化工及医药项目案例,并且将详细展示公司近年来针对中国市 场取得的优秀应用技术研究成果。同时,中欧国际工商学院的教授也将分享他们在各自领域的研究成果,包括六西格玛,创新管理, 医药行业优秀制造实践发展趋势,以及供应链物流发展趋势等。来自美国的Morris教授还将解析cGMP在全球以及在中国的走势。 Bayer Technology Engineering (BTES) and China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) will host a joint event between the 18th and 19th of April at the CEIBS campus in Shanghai. Experts from BTES, professors from CEIBS, as well as VIP speakers from the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Engineering of United States (NIPTE) will deliver speeches to an audience of 200. The congress will focus on achievements and success cases of BTES with its customers in the chemical, and pharmaceutical industries during their operations in China. In addition, new technological solutions with highly feasible applications in China will be introduced. Professors from CEIBS will share their insight in 6 sigma, innovation management, supply chain and logistics management, as well as healthcare sector development in China. Professor Morris from NIPTE also brings his observations on the trend of cGMP in China and the world to the congress. 郭安明博士 郭理默教授 拜耳技术工程(上海)有限公司总经理


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