The steamboat 公开课课件.ppt

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The steamboat 公开课课件

fantasy history crime biography adventure Learning aims 1. Learn the use of some verbs. 2. Tell the story to your partner. Fast reading Read the passage quickly and number the events in the order they happen. Careful reading Read the passage again answer Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1 Choose the best answers. 1. How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat? (a) They swam. (b) They jumped. (c) They paddled. 2. How did they get on it? (a) They jumped. (b) They climbed. (c) they crawled. 3. What did Jim do when he was frightened? (a) He ran. (b) He swam. (c) He jumped. 4. How did Huck get back to the raft? (a) He crawled. (b) He walked. (c) He ran. Task 2 True or False. 1.There was a big storm during the day and the rain poured down. 2.Jim wanted to bored the sinking ship but I disagreed. 3.There was nobody in the cabin. 4.The tall man threatened the man lying on the floor with a knife. 5.At last Jim and I took the boat away. Post reading Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs. The two boys were _______ down the river when they ___ a steamboat. To have a good look, they __________ onto the steamboat. When they heard the angry voice. Jim _________and _____ back to the raft. Being curious , Huck _____ his head around the door and saw three men. One was____ on the floor, with his hands ______ with rope. The other two were ______ with the taller of them _______ a gun at the man on the floor . Seeing this, Huck wanted to save the man on the floor. So he ________ back to the raft and found Jim . With Jims help , Huck __________ away their boat , but he _____ bad later, What would happen next? * 策划:《学生双语报》 制作:广东英语教学E-classroom课件创作中心 * * * 策划:《学生双语报》 制作:广东英语教学E-classroom课件创作中心 * * * 策划:《学生双语报》 制作:广东英语教学E-classroom课件创作中心 * Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema The Steamboat Huck sees three men in a cabin. ___ Huck and Jim climb onto the steamboat. ___ The short man suggests leaving the m


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