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本科毕业设计(论文) 大学生电子产品网络消费行为分析 学 院 管理学院 专 业 市场营销 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘 要 随着我国经济快速发展,互联网技术的日趋成熟,我国的网民数量成功的超越了美国,成为世界上网民数量最多的国家,我国网民规模达到3.84亿人,而电子商务随着我国网民的增加也出现了快速发展,特别体现在网络购物;在这些网民人群当中,学生群体充当了网民的主力军。大学生在网络使用不仅体现在网络娱乐和学习生活上,网上购物已经成为大学生常见的网络行为。 在大学生的网络消费中,电子产品就具有代表性,电子产品与大学生生活已经紧密地联系在一起。本文分为五个部分来讨论从大学电子产品网络消费行为分析中得出大学生网络消费行为分析结论。本文第一部分主要是介绍我国互联网发展的状况以及一些网络消费概念;第二部分是收集一些分析的文献资料,包括了购买行为的理论和在网络环境下影响消费者购买行为的因素以及大学生消费行为心理和特点;第三部分是大学生电子产品网络消费行为调查分析,进行调查问卷的设计和数据分析;第四部分是大学生电子产品网络消费行为分析,影响大学电子产品网上购买的因素和进行网络消费的决策因素分析;最后一部分是本文的研究结果和研究意义。 通过五个部分的分析我们得出了大学生网络消费行为的决策因素及分析结论,从而了解大学生的网络消费行为和引导大学生进行正确的网络消费。 关键词:大学生 ,电子产品,网络消费 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于 自选。 Abstract With rapid development of China economic, Internet technology has matured gradually, the number of Internet users in China have successfully surpassed the United States as the worlds largest number of Internet users, having reached 384 million, while the increase in e-commerce as Chinas Internet users are also appearing in rapid development, particularly reflected in the online shopping; in which these users groups, student groups as a major force in Internet users. Students use the Internet not only in Internet entertainment and learning life, online shopping has become a common network behavior students. The electronic products is representative in students online consumption, electronic products have been related closely with students lives. This article is divided into five parts to discuss the electronics online purchase behavior in universities and come up with a conclusion. In the first part is to introduce the situation of Chinas Internet development as well as the concept of network consumption; the second part is to collect some of the literature, including the purchase of the theory and the network environment, the factors affecting consumer purchase behavior and consumer behavior of college students psychological and characteristics; the third part is the network of consumer elec



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