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维护 更换元件: 校准/条件激活conditioning activities J500 助力转向电机 包括转向力矩传感器G269和 G28转子速度传感器) 进行特转向助力电机进行特性编程 转向止点学习 G85 转角传感器 包括 ESP: 转角传感器校准, 执行 ESP 系统监测 前轴悬挂的识别字母可以从整车数据关盘中读取Identification letters for the installed front axle suspension are read out from the vehicle data medium 在故障导航中检测需要的特性并选择Determining of the required characteristic in the “guided fault-finding” function and selection of the characteristic 选择助力转向:功能10-自学习-通道1- 特性选择Power steering: Function 10 – Conditioning – Channel 1 – Characteristic selection 或者在车辆自诊断中or in “vehicle self-diagnosis” 助力特性编程Programming the characteristic for power steering 在控制单元内,存储了两种不同的助力特性参数In the control unit, 2 different characteristics are stored for power steering. 维护 Service 转向死点自适应Adaptation of the steering stops 为避免转向死点机械碰撞,通过软件控制转向角。软止点在机械死点之前大约5度的位置To avoid hard mechanical steering stops, steering angle limitation is handled by the software. The software stop is activated about 5° before the mechanical stop. 如果转向角传感器和转向齿轮之间的位置改变,前轴的前束改变,或者转向角传感器重新校准,在这些情况下软止点都必须重新自学习If the relationship between the steering angle sensor and the steering gear changes, the track angles of the front axles modified or the steering angle sensor recalibrated, the software end stops must also be relearned. 在前轴前束值改变的情况下,止点的自学习值必须通过VAS 5051 重新设置:功能10-通道00,然后输入要学习的值。 In the event of changes to the track values on the front axle, the learnt values for the end stops must be reset with VAS 5051: Conditioning 10 – Channel 00 and then the new values must be learnt (for procedure see next slide) Service 自学习过程的条件: 发动机必须运转状态,(这样主力才能激活) 转角传感器必须已经校准初始化完毕 为进行止点自学习: 报警灯亮warning lamp comes on 转向沉重Steering movement is heavily damped 故障存储F没有进行/错误的基本调整 只适用于拆装转向传动装置或安装一个已用过的转向传动装置的情况Only necessary for dismantling/positioning of steering transmission or installation of another, non-“virgin” steering transmission: 通过VAS 5052重设死点学习值


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