If I were a boy again 课件.ppt

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If I were a boy again 课件

1 * Christmas Celebrations * If I were a Boy Again Passage 2 1. What would you do if you could possibly live your middle school life again? Questions for you to think and talk about: 2. What do you expect of one’s childhood? Part I (Para. 1-2) I would practice perseverance. Part II (Para. 3-4) Part III (Para. 5) Part IV (Para. 6-7) Part V (Para. 8-9) Part VI (Para. 10) Part VII (Para. 11) Part VIII (Para. 12) I would school myself into a habit of attention. I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would cultivate courage. I would look on the cheerful side. I would school myself to say “No” oftener. I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends, and indeed towards strangers as well. I would try to make others happy. The organization of the text Please say something about the topic sentence given of each part. I would practice perseverance oftener, and … try to achieve a particular aim in spite of difficulties e.g. The only way to improve is through hard work and dogged perseverance. Text to get to the top of sth “There are only two creatures who can surmount the pyramids — the eagle and the snail.” Text I would school myself into a habit of attention. (old-fashioned) to train myself to have a type of behavior Text I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. the deliberate development of a particular quality Text I would cultivate courage. make myself brave through purposeful training Text The fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear. to be more than Text … life is very much like a mirror … Text … a young boy can stand erect. to be brave and strong enough not to give in to anything evil It is not easy for an individual to stand erect against the evil practices common in life. Text … I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends … ask sb for sth firmly polite behavior Text Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the


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