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Science fiction film Science fiction film is a film genre that uses science fiction: speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception, and time travel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, or other technologies. Hollywood science fiction had experienced, growth time ,mature time. ,golden prosperity and development time. Since 1990,the Hollywood science fiction movies was exploring and developing with high-tech . In the World ,the first Science fiction film was trip to the moon , directed by Georges Méliès , on September 1st, 1902 in France . THE MATRIX? THE TERMINATOR This film is highly praised to be the classic of classics in most science fictions. Arnold Schwarzenegger acted in this film When said about science fictions , never can we ignore this movie ha! AVATAR Many of this kind of films is involved with force, but there are also other kinds Just like the 《In time》(时间规划局) I also love this film about science fiction and love . It’s also very romantic There are a plenty of wonderful science fiction film , So ,I’d love to recommend some 《变形金刚》 《初恋50次》《金刚》《终结者1234》《ET》《神奇四侠》 《星球大战》经典 《隔世情缘/穿越时空爱上你》 《触不到的恋人》 《回到中世纪》 《我是传奇》《时光机器》 《回到未来123》 《时空过客》《时间骇客》《十二点零一分》《 木头美人》《雷霆万钧》《记忆裂痕》 《蝴蝶效应》1.2.3? 《黑洞频率》 《土拨鼠日》《星际迷航》《心灵传输者》《重回十七岁》 That’s all ,thank you !


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