国际英文学校外教管理及岗位职责规定 中英文版.doc

国际英文学校外教管理及岗位职责规定 中英文版.doc

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国际英文学校外教管理及岗位职责规定 中英文版

International English School 国际英文学校 Teachers’ responsibilities 教师职责 At the classrooms of the International School 学校课堂教学 1. Lesson Plans 教学计划 Teacher must complete and submit his/her teaching plan in term of Semester Teaching Plan/ Weekly Teaching Plan/and Each Lesson Plan. Those plan can be done by filling out the settled form of each kind. 教师必须认真撰写其教学计划。包括学期计划、周计划和每节课的教学计划。这些计划用专用表格构成。 Teachers must complete and submit Semester Teaching Plan within two weeks after the commencement of each semester. 其中学期计划必须在每个学期开学后两周内上交。 Teachers must complete and submit lesson plans two days before class 教师必须是前两天内完全确定本周教学计划。 b) Teachers must complete and submit a brief class summary (part of lesson plan) after every class 教师必须于每节课后完成一份简单的课堂教学总结(作为教学计划的一部分)。 c) In the event of a missed class, teachers are responsible for communicating the lesson plan (if they haven’t been previously submitted) to the substitute teacher 因故缺课的教师有责任交待教学计划(如果未能预先确定)给代课教师。 d) If teachers want to do a special class (ie field trip outside), a detailed plan must be submitted five days before class. This class will be taken by T/A’s and translated and distributed to parents to serve as a permission slip for students to participate 教师要上一节特殊堂课教学(如外出郊游),必须提前5天确定一份详细的计划,这份计划提交给助教,并翻译发给每一个参加教学的学生家长作为许诺书。 2. Before class 课前 a) Teachers must inform T/A’s of any special materials (ie TV, VCD player, art supplies, etc) at time of submitting lesson plans, or at least one hour before class starts 教师必须在确定教学计划时通知助教所需的特殊辅导材料(如TV, VCD,艺术制品等)或至少于开课前一小时通知到。 b) Teachers must begin class at scheduled times and (with exception of break time) continue to teach for the entire scheduled teaching period. 教师必须按计划时间开始授课,教学活动必须持续整个教学时间(中间休息除外)。 1) Late arrival of more than ten minutes (without making up the time at end of class), or early dismissal of any time shall be grounds for a 50 RMB deduction in the teacher’s salary 迟到超过10分钟(在课后若未能补回来)或任何早退行为都将罚款50RMB。 2) Missing entire classes shall grounds for a 160 RMB/hr deduction.


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