电影 十日拍拖手册 英语听力精讲.doc

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电影 十日拍拖手册精讲本片段剧情:Andie是一家时尚杂志的专栏作家,负责撰写“恋爱指南”一类的文章,然而她对成天写关于怎么谈恋爱的文章并不感兴趣。这天她写的文章又因为娱乐性不强而无法入选,这让Andie有点小郁闷,但是她意外收到了两张NBA球赛的门票,这又让她立刻快活了起来…… 影片对白: Jeannie: Andie, its brilliant. Its really moving. But its never going to appear in Composure Magazine.Andie: God, I busted my butt in grad school to be Andie Anderson, How to girl, and write articles like, How to Use the Best Pick-Up Lines and Do Blondes, Do They, Like, Really Have More Fun? I want to write about things that matter, Iike politics and the environment, and foreign affairs--things Im interested in. Jeannie: Keep busting your butt. Youre going to get there. Hey, Ive got something to cheer you up. You know that editor from Sports Illustrated that you have been shamelessly flirting with on the phone for... whoo, a month now? He made a little delivery this morning. Andie: Ah, ha, ha, let me see. Jeannie: Oh, no. Andie: Hey! Tomorrow night. Jeannie: What happens tomorrow night? Andie: Only the most exhilarating and artistic display of athletic competition known to mankind. Jeannie: The lce Capades are in town? Andie: No, the NBA Finals are in town, and I got tickets! Come with me? Jeannie: All right, Ill go. But I am not putting out. Andie: Two stale jumbo dogs and a couple of beers, youll be whistling a different tune. Jeannie: You know what I like. Girl: Good morning, ladies. Dont forget, staff meeting in 30 minutes. Andie: Michelle-- havent seen her all morning. Have you? Jeannie: Ten to one shes wallowing. Andie: Its my turn. Ill get her, you get the coffee, meet me in the corner in 20. Jeannie: Wait, wait, wait. Here, take some samples. Andie: Samples. Samples. Great idea. Jeannie: Oh, boy. Drama, drama, drama. 妙语佳句 活学活用 1. bust ones?butt: 十分卖力。影片中Andie指她在大学里用功读书,不是为了写这种无聊的文章的。看一下例子:He busted his butt for you.(他一直替你卖命。) 2. pick-up lines: 与异性偶然结识时的台词/说的话。pick up在口语中有“与……偶然结识(常指与异性调情)”的意思。例如:He picked up a girl in the movies.(他在电影院结识了一个姑娘。) 3. exhilarating: 令人振奋的,使人高兴的。影片中Andie显然是一个疯狂的NBA球迷。请看例子:an exhilaratin


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