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此表反馈到我处后,将由美方专家认真分析并提出方案,请用英文填写。 CUSTOMER QUESTIONNAIRE A. Customer Information 客户信息 1. What is the name of the company? 贵公司名称? 2. In what does the company specialize? 贵公司专业于什么行业? 3. What is the company’s website? 贵公司网站? What is the company’s mailing address? 贵公司邮寄地址? Street 街道: City 城市: State 省: d) Country 国家: 5. Who is the appropriate contact person? 应与何人联系? 6. What is the contact person’s title? 联系人职务? a. Telephone number? 电话: b. Fax number? 传真: c. E-mail address? 电子邮箱: 7. Is the company a manufacturer? 贵公司是制造商吗? 8. Are sales direct or through channels? 贵公司直接销售,还是通过其他渠道? B. Objective 目标 Are you interested in (please indicate all areas of interest) 贵公司对什么感兴趣(请表述所有您感兴趣的领域)? ( a. Process Development 工艺开发 ( b. Equipment 设备 ( c. Tolling Processing 收费加工 ( d. Other 其他 2. What do you want to accomplish? 贵公司想实现的目标是什么? C. Product/Feed 产品/进料物 1. What is the feed material? 进料物是什么? 2. What is the product of interest? 感兴趣的产品是什么? 3. Is the product of interest the extract or raffinate? 对萃取物感兴趣,还是残留物? 4. Is the feed solid or liquid? 进料物是固态还是液态? 5. Do you currently utilize the product of interest? 目前如何利用感兴趣的产品? 6. What is the application of interest? 感兴趣的应用是什么? 7. What is the current selling price of the product of interest? 产品目前的售价是多少? 8. Do you currently manufacture the product of interest? 贵公司现在生产这种产品吗? 9. What is the current manufacturing process? 目前采用的生产工艺是什么? Do you have any references for the current process? 此种工艺的应用举例? What is the motivation for utilizing supercritical fluid technology? 应用超临界流体技术的动机是什么? D. Physical-Chemical Properties 物理化学属性 What kinds of compounds are to be extracted (R-OH, lipids, etc)? 要萃取的产品是何种物质(R-OH、脂质,其他)? What is the polarity of the product (high, medium or low)? 该物质的极性如何(高、中、低)? What is the molecular weight (heavy, medium or light fractions)? 分子量


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