《管理学原理》英语教学课件-Managing in Todays World.ppt

《管理学原理》英语教学课件-Managing in Todays World.ppt

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《管理学原理》英语教学课件-Managing in Todays World.ppt

郭志文 2001 Copyright CHAPTER 2 Managing in Today’s World Learning Objectives (1) Differentiate the symbolic from the omnipotent view of management Define organizational culture Identify the ten characteristics that make up an organization’s culture Explain how culture constrains managers Distinguish between the general and specific environment Learning Objectives (2) Contrast certain and uncertain environments Describe the various components in the specific environment Describe the factors in the general environment Explain how the environment constrains managers Parameters of Managerial Discretion Characteristics of an Organization’s Culture Examples of Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture Planning The degree of risk that plans should contain Whether plans should be developed by individuals or teams The degree of environmental scanning in which management will engage Organizing How much autonomy should be designed into employees’ jobs Whether tasks should be done by individuals or in teams The degree to which department managers interact with each other Examples of Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture Leading The degree to which managers are concerned with increasing employee job satisfaction What leadership styles are appropriate Whether all disagreements - even constructive ones - should be eliminated Controlling Whether to allow employees to control their own actions or to impose external controls What criteria should be emphasized in employee performance evaluations What repercussions will occur from exceeding one’s budget Environmental Uncertainty Matrix The Organization and Its Environment Types of ADA Complaints Executives’ Views on External Environmental Changes (Survey of 400 Executives) Selected Companies Deriving 50% or More of Revenues from Non-U.S. Operations NAFTA How Organizations Go International What Are Americans Like? Americans are very informal. They don’t tend to treat people differently even when there are great differences in age or so


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