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末页 目录 首页 第二部分 高频话题写作指导 九年级(全)Units 13-14 学校生活 写作导图 从广西近五年“学校生活”相关话题的书面表达来看,其主要涉及的命题角度为:高中生活的畅想及打算和课余生活,如:2014年河池以“My life in the high school”为题,畅想自己的高中生活;2013年玉林以“丰富多彩的课余生活”为话题进行描述;2011年贵港以书信的方式汇报自己的学习情况和高中生 活的打算。同时,从全国近五年的命题方向可知,该话题还可从“学校的体育运动”、“学校的安全教育”、“学校的校纪校规”等角度设题。以(2014年河池)为例: 写作范文详见: peaceful, beautiful, quiet, be colorful with the flower and grass, wide, bright campus Out-of-class activities My life in the high school knowledge, kind, be strict with, care for helpful, get along well, kind learn by oneself, group work, work hard take an active part in, colorful, wonderful, all kinds of, keep fit study students teachers 亮点句型速成 常用句型:The homework is very difficult, but we must finish it. 推荐句型: ①The homework is so difficult. But we must try to do it by ourselves and finish it on time. ②No matter how difficult the homework is, we must try to do it by ourselves and finish it on time. 推荐句型:①I feel terrible today for I failed again in the math exam. ②How terrible I feel today! I failed again in the math exam. 常用句型:I feel very sad today, because I didn’t pass the math exam again. 开头句: 1. My high school life will be colorful and wonderful. 2. Hello, I am... in No.1 Middle School! 中间句: 1. It’s difficult but interesting. 2. I take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes. 3. The early bus takes him to school. 4. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. 5. Last week’s talent show in our class was a great success. 6. Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. 7. I have learned a lot by that way. 8. We have a lot of rules at my school/home. 9. You have given me so much help that I will never forget... 10. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as... 结尾句: 1. Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. 2. Our teachers have taught us a lot. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society.


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