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中国餐饮文化选译赏析 Peking Roast Duck 北京烤鸭是自封建帝王时代就在北京城流行的著名菜肴,如今它被认为是中国的一道国菜。这道菜以它薄而脆的酥皮,以及厨师们在客人面前片鸭子的真实情形而著称。 Peking duck is a famous duck dish that has been popular since the imperial era in Beijing, and is now considered a national dish of China. The dish is prized for the thin, crisp skin with authentic vision of the dish serving sliced in front of the diners by the cook. 专门用于制作烤鸭的鸭子在养殖65 天后就被屠宰了,鸭子在烤制前要先用调料腌制(season),然后才送进焖炉或者挂炉。鸭肉通常配上葱(scallion)、黄瓜和甜面酱,用薄饼卷着食用。 Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven. The meat is usually eaten with pancakes, scallion, cucumbers and sweet bean sauce. 筷子 chopsticks 筷子是广泛适用于东亚各国的传统餐具。筷子的历史起源于中国古代,最早可以追溯到商代。筷子通常由竹子、塑料、木材或不锈钢制成。第一双筷子可能用于烹饪,拨火而不是作为饮食器具。 Chopsticks are used as the traditional eating utensils of various East Asian countries. Chopsticks originated in ancient China and dates back to as early as the Shang Dynasty. They are commonly made of bamboo, plastic, wood or stainless steel. The first chopsticks were probably used for cooking, stirring the fire and not as eating utensils. 直到汉代,筷子才开始用作餐具。直到明代,筷子才开始被普遍使用于上菜或者吃饭。然后它们被取名“筷子”,并拥有了今天的形状。 Chopsticks began to be used as eating utensils during the Han Dynasty. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that chopsticks were widely used for both serving and eating. They then acquired the name kuaizi and the present shape.


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