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Hotel Yin Design Cultural Concepts 大隐精品酒店文化概念 By Planning Department 2009.2;中国室内设计联盟介绍; Application Area 主要应用范围;中国文化博物馆Chinese Culture Museum ;天人合一的隐逸生活 Heaven and man combine to have a leisurely life;天Heaven;Cultural Concept 文化概念;隐逸方式 ;Tea House Concept(18F) 茶館文化概念(十八楼) ;禅;Culture Concepts 文化概念; Zen and Tea Culture 禅茶文化 “茶禅一味” A Song Dynasty Zen Master claimed that there exists a correlation between zen and tea. Tea is pure, subtle, natural and full, which are precisely the kind of purity and naturalness that zen seeks. 禅宗在茶中溶入“清静”思想,通过饮茶把自己与山、水、自然融为一体。 禅的意境和茶的精神意趣相通,清净淡泊、朴素自然、韵味隽永。 ;禅宗美学 Zen aesthetics key words: distant, ephemeral, soft, tranquil. 禅宗美学关键字: 远、虚、淡、静 庄子美学思想直接影响了后代禅宗美学。老庄实际是禅宗的内核。“闲寂、幽雅、朴素”为禅意空间的精神内涵。 Zhuanzi’s philosophy has a direct influence on Zen aesthetics. ‘Tranquil, elegant, simple’are the spiritual core of Zen spaces. ;Zen Atmosphere 禅意空间;Deco Suggestion 装饰建议; Tree of Buddha Plus Mirror Table 菩提树和明镜台 装饰位置Location :整体空间的视觉中心 Focal point of the entire wall 建议一 suggestion 1:相对舞台尽端墙面及部分天花板Wall facing stage and part of the ceiling 建议二suggestion 2:正对入口处墙面及天花板Wall and ceiling facing entrance 建议三suggestion3:入口处 Engrance 装饰手法Deco Method 建议设计一棵菩提树,装饰墙壁及部分天花板,可配合周边桌面设计成镜面,镜面可用水的形式来呈现,营造诗境中的明镜台; 如果实际可行,建议在茶馆中栽植菩提树一株; 也可结合菩提树图纹及镜面元素用于空间主视觉的设计。 Suggestion: design a Tree of Buddha to decorate wall and part of ceiling, perhaps incorporate the tables nearby to create a mirror surface, which can be represented by water. If feasible, plant a tree of Buddha in teahouse; can also adopt patters of the tree and elements of mirror surface in the main visual design of the space. ;Long Narrow Flag 布帘 Location装饰位置 舞台Stage Deco Method 装饰手法 用麻质、棉质或纱料设计舞台布幔,似有清风吹动之感。Use linen, cotton or chiffon to create stage curtains, creating a sense of breeze.;Incense Burner香炉 Location装饰位置 矮柜上(见平面图)Above low chest Deco Method 装饰手法 设置现代中式香炉,营造香烟袅袅禅意 Place contemporary Chines


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