Managing Cognitive Impairments in Clients with SMI 管理认知障碍的客户与SMI.ppt

Managing Cognitive Impairments in Clients with SMI 管理认知障碍的客户与SMI.ppt

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Managing Cognitive Impairments in Clients with SMI 管理认知障碍的客户与SMI

Cognitive Remediation in Severe Mental Illness Susan R. McGurk, Ph.D. Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center Department of Psychiatry Dartmouth Medical School What is Cognition Functioning? Mental processes Five major areas Attention Psychomotor speed Memory Problem-solving Social cognition Attention The ability to focus concentration on something for a sustained period of time Psychomotor Speed Latency of response to environmental demands and the time required to execute tasks that require the processing of information Memory The acquisition, consolidation, retention of information Short-term memory (“working memory”): what you can keep in your mind for brief periods (e.g., a 7-digit phone number) Long-term memory (retention over longer periods of time, such as days, weeks, etc.) Executive Functions Conceptual reasoning Planning Abstract thinking Flexible thinking Problem Solving Why is Cognitive Functioning Important in Psychiatric Illness? Cognitive impairments are common in severe mental illness (SMI) Cognitive impairments increase risk of developing SMI Related to a broad range of functioning (such as self-care and independent living, social relationships, work) Problem-Solving Performance in Clubhouse Members with Schizophrenia Why is Cognitive Functioning Important in Psychiatric Illness? People report awareness of cognitive problems and effects on functioning Subjective Reports of Cognitive Impairment “I have something I want to say and then it flies right out of my mind before I say it.” “I forgot what I was supposed to do today at work. My boss got really annoyed with me.” In class, my mind wanders fairly frequently and it’s upsetting. When I’m reading for school, my mind wanders- I would have to reread the sections several times.” “I tend to repeat myself, do things over and over; I forget what my friends tell me. I forget where I put things. I forget about medications.” Why is Cognitive Functioning Important in Psychiatric Illness? Cognitive


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