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标准操作程序 Standard Operating Procedure 公司名称: xx酒店管理公司 Company : xx Suniya Hotel Management Limited 编号: Reference No. 部门: 前厅部— Department: Front Office Department—Concierge 日期 Date 月 标题: Title: Deformity Helping 页 Page 第 页 共 页Page 1 Of 1 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这个任务对你和你的客人非常重要? Answers回 答: We want to demonstrate our professionalism and Care 我要展示我们的专业水准。 able to offer service that starts at the very beginning with the guest’s arrival and reflects the hotel standards. 我能在客人到达城市就开始提供服务,体现了酒店的服务水准。 WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做/工作标准 T提 问 Wheelchair should be checked everyday to maintain ready to use status at anytime. 礼宾部配属的轮椅车和拐杖做到每天检查,保证随时可用状态。 2) Door girl and bellman should identify disable guest at the arrival stage. And offer immediate assistance after consulting with guest and his accompany. 门童和行李生在客人到店时须识别行动困难的客人。在询问客人及随从后立即提供帮助。 3)Ensure stable wheelchair position when offering to guest getting off the car. 为下车客人提供轮椅服务时注意保证轮椅的定位。防止意外发生。 4)Obtain deposit for wheelchair from the guest /his company. 收取相应的押金。 Wheelchair status check is conducted during each shift handover to ensure proper tyre pressure and smooth gearing 每一班次交接班时检查轮椅车的车况:保证论坛气压正常及传动顺滑 Observe guest movement when the door of the car is open. Greeting and eye contact.”Good morning sir. If the guest shows obvious difficulty in movement, we should verbally offer assistance request. “May I give you a hand.?”consult guest if he needs wheelchair assistance . 当为客人打开车门后,主动问候客人,并保持目光接触。 注意观察客人是否有明显的移动困难。”此时我们应询问客人。并询问客人是否需要轮椅协助.。” One Staff should assist guest to get sit on the wheelchair. Another staff should hold the wheelchair firmly. 一人协助客人坐上轮椅车,一人保证轮椅车稳定。 Show guest and his company to Concierge counter for deposit process. 请客人和随从到礼宾部柜台办理手续。先生,您好。请跟随我到柜台办理借用手续。 If there is a defect found in the shift handover, what we should do next? Concierge is equipped with one wheelchair and one pair of cruches. 如果发现轮椅车出现问题,如何解决?礼宾部配备轮椅车


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