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专 业 推 荐 ↓ 精 品 文 档 双 ( ) 周金梅 ,宫敬利 ,于志会 ,杨 波   吉林农业科技学院植物科学系 ,吉林吉林 132 10 1 摘要 为了指导双鸭山市中心城区城市植物多样性规划 ,构建可持续发展的生态园林城市 ,对城市绿地植物现状进行了系统的调查 ,结 果表明:城市绿化植物共有 76种 ,分属于 17科 38属 ,其中乔木 28种、灌木 25种、草本 23种 ;本地种 4 1种 , 占总数的 53. 9% ,外地引进种 35种 , 占总数的 46. 1% ;存在植物种类普遍偏少、多样性贫乏、地域性特征不明显等问题 。在此基础上提出双鸭山市中心城区植物多样 性规划的建议 。 关键词 双鸭山市中心城区;城市绿地 ;植物多样性;调查分析;规划 ( ) 中图分类号 S731. 9  文献标识码 A  文章编号 0517 - 6611 2009 11 - 05246 - 02 Research on the P lann ing of Urban Plan t Spec ies D iver sity in Shuangya shan C ity ( ) ZHO U J in m e i et a l  D ep artm ent of Plant Science, J ilin A gricu ltural Science and Techno logy College, J ilin, J ilin 132 10 1 A b stract In order to gu ide the p lann ing of urban p lant diversity and e stab lish the su stainab le developm ent geo logical garden city in Shuang yashan City, the urban green ing p lants statu s wa s system atically inve stigated. The resu lts showed that 76 sp ecie s, 38 genera and 17 fam ilie s of green ing p lants were found in th is inve stigation. N am ely, 28 arbors, 25 shrub s and 23 herbage s were classified from the p lant re source s. A mong them , 4 1 sp ecie s were native p lants, wh ich accounted for 53. 9% of total p lants sp ecie s. 35 sp ecie s were introduced p lants, wh ich ac counted for 46. 1% of total p lants sp ecie s. It wa s pointed ou t there were such p rob lem s a s le ss p lant sp ecie s, poor diversity and fuzzy local characteristic s. On th is basis, som e suggestion s on the p lant diversity p lann ing in the central urban district of Shuangya shan City were put for ward. Key words Central urban district of Shuangya shan


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