2013届高考英语一轮复习 Module10 Unit 1 Building the future课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用).ppt

2013届高考英语一轮复习 Module10 Unit 1 Building the future课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用).ppt

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2013届高考英语一轮复习 Module10 Unit 1 Building the future课件 牛津译林版(湖南专用)

Module10·Unit 1 Building the future?;1、 wrestle vi. 努力解决;全力对付(+with) ,(与某人)搏斗,扭成一团; 扭打;(与……)摔跤 n. 摔跤,角力;She was           maths homework. 她在苦苦对付数学作业。;2、 expense n. 费用;价钱;支出;消耗;开支;经费;牺牲;损失,代价;费钱之物;①This printer is of good quality. If it should break down within the first year, we would repair it   (自费).;②During the ten-day vacation, they traveled to France      their own expense. ;3、 deposit n. 堆积物,沉淀物,存款,押金,保证金,存放物;vt. 存放,储蓄;沉淀,沉积 ◆You may deposit your returned books with the librarian. 你可以把要还的书留在图书管理员处。 ◆He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank. 他在银行存了5000美元。 ◆As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil. 河流流速变慢时,一层流沙便沉积下来。 ◆Passbook and code number are required when you want to deposit or withdraw money in a bank. 当你想要在一个银行存、取款时,存折和密码是需要的。;4、 target vt. 把……作为目标n. 靶子,目标;英译汉 ①The cinema is on target to open next year. ____________________________________________;②What type of reader is the new magazine targeting? ____________________________________________;③The programme is targeted at improving the health of women of all ages. ____________________________________________;④The book will be the target of bitter criticism. ____________________________________________;1、catch up on 补上,赶上,补做;汉译英 迈克需要加把劲赶上功课进度。 _________________________________________________;2、put pressure on/upon sb. 给……施加压力;①The pressure that the bank has ______ on our company is to reduce its borrowings. A. made B. given C. sent D. put   ;②Some people work well ______ while others get nervous and do badly. A. under way B. under pressure C. under control D. under repair   ;3、on top of = in addition to 另外,此外,除了……之外;on the top of 在……上面 on top 在上面 on top of the world 非常幸福 from top to toe / bottom 从头到脚 at the top of ones voice 大声地;高声地;______ losing his job, he was divorced by his wife. A. Beside B. On the top of C. In addition to D. Except


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