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影视鉴赏课程学期论文 任务:选课学生在17周内,完成一篇与所鉴赏影片相关的影评。 要求: 选择与课堂上所鉴赏影片相关的话题,完成一篇影评写作。可以从自身的实践谈。全文主要分成三部分:字数: 800-1200(即3-4页) 介绍选题的原因,目的和意义。 正文部分进行详细阐述。 对全文进行总结,并得出相应的结论。 封面填写要求: 字体:中文和数字三号宋体,不加粗;英文小三号Times New Roman 班级: 即:2009级英语(旅游与酒店管理方向)* 班 如题目太长,可分成两行。注意空一行。 可在模版上根据自己的信息进行修改,但注意下划线长度一致。 3.成绩填写:百分制:100% 4.导师指导修改及评分参考: a. 是否出现表达错误。 b. 全文结构安排是否合理,衔接过渡是否合乎逻辑。 c. 是否具有实践经验总结或指导意义。 5.正文格式如下: 题目:宋体,小二,加粗,居中。 空一行开始正文,段首缩进2个字符 全文分成三部分。正文字体为宋体小四。1.5倍行距。不加粗。 影视鉴赏与评论入门 课程论文 题 目Culture Barrier in International Business Negotiation 专业名称 英 语 班 级 2009级英语(旅游酒店与管理方向)1班 学生姓名 陈 宾 力 学 号 2009511210 任课教师 张 静 怡 成 绩 Cultural Barrier in International Business Negotiation Commercial negotiations are not just something about the interests of each party for economic exchanges and cooperation, but also about the collision and communication, especially between different countries and ethnic groups. it is influenced by the respective state and national politics, economic, cultural and other factors, for all of them, cultural is the most complicated factor. Cultural gap would lead to collision and even conflict, what worse sometimes result in negotiation failure. Therefore correct understanding of cultural differences is quite important. There are many reasons for cultural barrier. Firstly, different concepts of interpersonal, in business negotiation, Chinese focus on not the subject of negotiation but establishing long cooperation relations. They often talk about something like social activities or other topics involving many broad fields before they know each other and develop the mutual trust relations. Then they will enter into the subject of negotiation. But for western, the subject of negotiation and transaction are the most important things


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