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毕业论文中文摘要 浅析河北省新型农村合作医疗保险的现状与发展思路 摘要:农村合作医疗保险制度是我国建设社会主义新农村的重要举措,是提高我国农村农民生活状态,加强我国新型农村建设的推动器。河北省自从 2003 年开始实行新型农村合作医疗制度试点以来,新农合制度发展势头良好,广大农民积极参与新型农村合作医疗保险,农民看病难、看病贵的问题得到了有效的缓解,但同时比例设置不合理、农村医疗服务建设和农民工问题没有得到有效解决、操作不够透明化、宣传工作不到位等问题仍比较突出,导致参合率比较低。 实践证明,在新农合政策实施过程中政府应起到良好的导向作用,合理设置各项比例、完善农村医疗服务建设、关注并解决农民工的就医问题、加强宣传等,使新农村医疗保险得到健康长远的发展。 关键词: 新型农村合作医疗 农民 医疗保险 毕业论文外文摘要 Title Analysis of the new rural cooperative medical insurance in Hebei Province present situation and development of ideas Abstract Rural cooperative medical insurance system is one of the important measures to build a new socialist countryside in China, is to strengthen the driver of the new rural construction in China. In Hebei province since 2003 to pilot the new rural cooperative medical system since the new farming system development momentum, the broad masses of farmers to actively participate in the new rural cooperative medical insurance, the farmers medical care, expensive problem has been effectively alleviated, but at the same time the proportion set unreasonable, the rural health service construction, and didnt get effectively solve the problems rural migrant workers, not enough transparent operation, still prominent problems such as propaganda work does not reach the designated position, lead to accounting rate is low. Practice has proved that in the implementation of new farmers and policy the government should play a guiding role, reasonable setting the scale, improve the rural health service construction, pay attention to and solve the peasant workers medical problems, strengthening propaganda, etc, make the development of new rural medical insurance is health in the long run Keywords: new rural co-operative medical system peasant insurance for medical care 目 次 1 引言 1 2 河北省新型农村合作医疗保险的现状 1 3 河北省新型农村合作医疗保险存在的问题 2 3.1 筹资标准和补偿比例问题 2 3.2 报销比例偏低 3 3.3 农村医疗设备不健全,合作医疗点设置不合理 4 3.4 外出务工人员异地报销困难 4 3.5 操作不够透明,不公平现象时有发生 5 3.6 宣传不到位,农民


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