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英语论文写作及研究方法 Research Methods and Paper Writing 课程类型: 专业必修课 授课对象: 硕士研究生 授课时数: 周学时2;总学 时32 ? 任课教师: 朱源 教学要求: 本课程以实践为主, 要求学生熟悉英语论文写作的基本过程和步骤, 明确并掌握英语论文的标准格式, 进行大量的查询、整理资料,拟定论文选题,以及论文写作具体各部分的练习,为其它专业课所要求的英语论文写作,以及毕业论文,打好基础;同时也初步培养学生独立思考,进行学术研究的能力。 课程内容: I. Introduction to the Course Summary Writing Discussion and Practice for Summary Writing II. Synthesis Writing Discussion and Practice for Synthesis Writing III. Critical Reading and Critique Writing Discussion and Practice for Critical Reading and Critique Writing IV. Introduction to the Research Project Basic Definitions and the Research Process V. Library Lecture and Library Tour (by the senior school librarian) VI. Searching for Sources Finding Appropriate Topics of Research Papers VII. Reading the Sources and Taking Notes Making a Working Bibliography VIII. Preparing to Write the Paper IX. Writing the Paper Mechanics of Research Papers X. Avoiding Plagiarism Using Sources Properly XI. Documenting Your Sources XII. Preparing the List of Works Cited XIII. In-Text Documentation XIV. Front and Back Matters of Research Papers XV. Important Reminders for Writing Research Papers XVI. Format of the Master’s Thesis 参考书目: Behrens, Lawrence and Leonard J. Rosen. Writing and Reading across the Curriculum. 6th ed. New York: Longman, 1997. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th ed. New York: MLA, 1995. Slade, Carole. Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports and Theses. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000. Trimmer, Joseph F. A Guide to MLA Documentation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989. Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers


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