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* 系统级设置及下载 图24 关联已经建立 * 系统级设置及下载 3.选择菜单View\Devices View,器件界面将被打开,如图25所示。 图25 器件界面 * 系统级设置及下载 点击Live复选框,系统会扫描到当前的开发板使用情况(之前请确认开发板和用户电脑已经正确连接并且已经上电)。如图26所示。 图26 与开发板建立连接 * 系统级设置及下载 图27给出了当前开发板上用到的器件,系统通过扫描自动将器件显示在界面上,另外器件上方依次有带有指示灯的四个工作区,分别为编译、综合、适配,下载 四个过程,单击每个区域则完成相应的过程。也可直接点击Program FPGA完成所有过程。完成后如图28所示,其中,文本框部分为当前的配置情况。 图27 系统扫描到的器件 图28 下载过程 * 系统级设置及下载 完成编译、下载等过程后,就可以在开发板上开到实际结果了,图29为设计中所用到的处理器内核,在只需改动软件的情况下,直接可通过此界面完成对软件的编译及下载过程,而无需再将硬件下载一遍。 图29 处理器内核 * 总结 以上完成了从整个基于Altera Cyclone EP1C12 型号FPGA 项目工程的设计,通过将软硬件设计方案在NanoBoard NB1 系统开发板上实际运行验证,再逐步优化,反复下载验证,最终完成项目的开发。 结束 谢谢各位 有关Altium 公司及其产品详细情况, 请浏览: * * 下面来看一下Altium Designer所提供的IP元件库, 为了利于基于处理器的系统级设计,Altium Designer提供了一系列免费的IP元件,其中包括处理器内核,如8051, Z80 and PIC 处理器。 Altium Designer还提供一些外围设备,例如通信控制器、及其他设备 所有的IP元件都以原理图符号的形式出现,和其进行链接的是EDIF模型文件,能够适用于不同型号的FPGA。 这些IP元件都是经过验证并优化过的,能够直接从库里调用。 因为所有的IP元件都是经过验证、优化,这意味着系统综合非常的快速。而且不需要再去进行优化。 Earlier I briefly touched on IP component libraries that will be supplied with Altium Designer. I’d like to expand on that now. In order to facilitate the process of system-level design, the Altium Designer system will come with a set of IP components that can be used royalty-free in applications. The components available include a range of processor cores that are instruction set compatible with common off-the-shelf component processors, such as the 8051, Z80 and PIC processor. We also have various peripheral devices, such as communications controllers, and a range of other devices, such as generic logic component blocks. A more detailed list of IP components can be found in the Appendices that you have in your handouts. These IP components are supplied as schematic symbols that are linked to pre-synthesized EDIF models for a wide range of target FPGAs. The components have been pre-verified and pre-optimized so they can be simply taken from the libraries and used directly in a design. The inclusion of these pre-synthesized IP components in a design at the system-level means that synth


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