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学 位 论 文 前 言 随着社会经济迅速发展和工业化进程加快, 摘 要 饮用水水源地安全关系到人类健康和社会的可持续发展,安全优质的饮用水水源地是城市安全供水的基础,也是社会经济健康发展的必要条件。随着经济发展,加之频繁发生的水源地突发性事故,致使区域发展国家安全受到严重威胁已成为一个全国性问题从定义、分类、特征及分级等方面研究水源地突发性事故 ABSTRACT Safety of drinking water wellhead relates to peoples health and sustainable development of economy and society. Safe and high quality drinking water wellhead is the basis for urban water supply and necessity for healthy development of economy and society. With the rapid economic-social development and industrialization expansion, the accident events concurrent frequently which threats regional development, national security and human survival seriously, and safety of drinking water wellhead has become a national issue. Risk assessment methods are studied and the early-warning index system is established, while the water quality prediciton model and the comprehensive early-warning model are eatablished, which are applied to the Gucheng Lake centralized drinking water wellhead. The study mainly includes the following six contents: Firstly, the concepts related and the theoretical bases are studied detailedly for early-warning of centralized drinking water wellhead. The definition, classification, characteristics and grades of the accident events are discussed. The characteristics of the centralized drinking water wellhead are analyzed after confirming the definition and connotation. The basic steps and system framework of early-warning for centralized drinking water wellhead are put forward. Secondly, the main factors affecting analyzing centralized drinking water wellhead are analyzed, such as water quality deterioration, water shortage, ecological environment degradation, engineering operating in poor condition, management and emergency response system is not perfect. Risk assessment methods are studied for water quality assessment, eutrophication assessment, health assessment and drought assessment. Thirdly, introducing the water resources – society and economy –ecological environm



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