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辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT VI 摘 要 PLC控制是目前工业上最常用的自动化控制方法,由于其控制方便,能够承受恶劣的环境,因此,在工业上优于单片机的控制。PLC将传统的继电器控制技术、计算机技术和通信技术融为一体,专门为工业控制而设计,具有功能强、通用灵活、可靠性高、环境适应性强、编程简单、使用方便以及体积小、重量轻、功耗低等一系列优点,因此在工业上的应用越来越广泛。 本文主要讲述可编程控制器与灌装机中的控制方法和原理,采用了新的检测方法,实现了整个生产线的自动化。 本论文详细论述了灌装机控制系统的设计步骤,通过对灌装机系统的充分了解,以行业现状为出发点,结合其他行业自动控制技术的应用情况,提出了基于PLC的灌装机控制系统的基本结构。用可编程控制器设计了多移阀开启、破瓶检测、破瓶捡出、自动压盖等过程的自动控制。最后,简要介绍了组态软件,对模拟过程进行了详细的叙述,并附有灌装机控制系统的组态画面。本系统设计中完成了灌装机控制系统的硬件的配置和软件方面的设计,并利用组态软件实现了实时监控系统的设计。 采用PLC来控制生产线,实现了控制系统的自动化,对劳动生产率的提高,对液体的质量和产量的提高都具有深远的意义。 关键词:灌装机控制系统;可编程控制器;组态软件  HYPERLINK /javascript:void(0); Abstract PLC control is the most commonly used industrial automation control method,because of its convenient control to withstand an adverse environment,it is better than MCU control technology ,computer and communication technologies are integrated specifically for industrial control and design,have store function,common flexible,high reliability and environmental adaptability,and programming simple,easy to use and small size,light weight,a series of low-power advantages in industrial applications become more extensive. This paper introduces briefly the programmable logical controller and the century star monitoring software uses in the filling machine of controlling method and the principle, used the new examination method, and achieve the automation of the entire production line. This paper describes in detail the control system of the filling machine design steps, is based on the self-industry and the application of the other trade on auto-control technique, proposed the frame of the control system based on programmable logical controller. Design the control system of the filling machine based on the programmable logical controller and designs the control system, inspecting and picking out the broken bottle. the simulation software of configuration briefly and describe simulation process in detail, there are production line configuration screen. This design


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