
手机银行 Fundamo Overview Presentation.ppt

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Overview What is Fundamo? M-Commerce Platform Payment Mechanism Consumer to Consumer Overview What is Fundamo? M-Commerce Platform Payment Mechanism Consumer to Consumer Retail Overview What is Fundamo? M-Commerce Platform Payment Mechanism Consumer to Consumer Retail Virtual world Overview What is Fundamo? M-Commerce Platform Payment Mechanism Consumer to Consumer Retail Virtual world Applications Overview What is Fundamo? M-Commerce Platform Payment Mechanism Consumer to Consumer Retail Virtual world Applications Can be enriched with services Authentication Controls Data services Linked to bank accounts Demonstration Product Description Fundamo Product Architecture Payment mechanism characteristics Banking models Implementation guide and reference design Software Fundamo Product Architecture Architecture Overview The Fundamo Protocols Security Model Product Rules Dispute resolution and liability (risk management) Obligations rights of parties: Operators Distributors Consumers Merchant Pricing Numbering Call centre Fundamo card Access devices Functional rules Bank relationship models Legislation Fraud and money laundering Data protection and privacy Branding Conformance Payment Mechanism Characteristics Inter-operable Real money (not electronic money) - value stored on server 0 Floor limit PIN-based transacting Debit only facility at this stage All approved (by operator) and authorised (by subscriber) transactions are guaranteed Funds available immediately on receipt Usable in the P2P, Retail and Virtual spaces (i.e. supports C2C, B2C and B2B contexts) Credit Push and Debit Pull paradigms supported Every subscriber is both consumer and merchant Can be enhanced with intelligence (e.g. controls), MO services (e.g. location) and 3rd party applications (e.g. tokens) Interest bearing Transaction fee-based Load/unload capability from existing bank accounts Designed with simplicity and low operating cost in mind Designed to appeal to a wide range of users


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