
管理会计 英文版.pptx

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Management Accounting and Decisions ILecture 1 - introductionLearning ObjectivesDescribe what managers do and why they need accounting informationMajor differences and similarities between financial and management accountingImpact of organisational and technological change on management accountingImpact of international competition on businesses and on management accountingImportance of business and professional ethicsRationale:Background to management accountingIntroduce ideas that help to understand, and discussBased on introductory chapterUsing publisher’s slides!Chapter 1Management accounting and the business environmentWhat is accounting?‘The process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit judgements and decisions by users of the information.’ -- American Accounting Association (1966)Management Accounting and Financial AccountingManagerial accountingprovides informationfor managers of anorganization whodirect and controlits operations.Financial accountingprovides informationto stockholders,creditors and otherswho are outsidethe organization.Management vs. Financial AccountingFinancial accounting is concerned with providing information to shareholders, creditors and others who are outside an organisation.Management accounting is concerned with providing information to managers – that is people inside an organisation who direct and control its operations.What is management accounting? ‘The process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources.’ -- CIMA Official TerminologyAnother definition ‘Management accounting is the internal business building role of accounting and finance professionals who work inside organizations. These professionals are involved in designing and evaluating business processes, budgeting and forecasti


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