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Chapter 2 Speech sounds Language is primarily vocal. The primary medium of human language is sound. Linguists are not interested in all sounds, but in speech sounds — sounds that convey meaning in human communication. Speech organs Phonetics— A branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. e.g. [p] bilabial, stop. Three branches of phonetics Articulatory phonetics—from the speakers’ point of view, “how speakers produce speech sounds”. Auditory phonetics—from the hearers’ point of view, “how sounds are perceived”. Acoustic phonetics—from the physical way by which sounds are transmitted from one to another. Speech organs Pharyngeal cavity — the throat, including (air) the lungs—windpipe—glottis—vocal cords (voiceless/voiced). The oral cavity — the mouth, including the tongue, the uvula, the palate (soft /hard), the teeth, teeth ridge (alveolar), lips. Nasal cavity — the nose. Lips Teeth Teeth ridge (alveolar) Hard palate Soft palate (velum) Uvula Tip of tongue Blade of tongue Back of tongue Vocal cords Pharyngeal cavity Nasal cavity Classification of English speech sounds English speech sounds are generally classified into two large categories: Vowels Consonants Note: The essential difference between these two classes is that in the production of the former the airstream meets with no obstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose or the mouth, while in that of the latter it is somehow obstructed. Classification of consonants English consonants may be classified according to two dimensions: the manner of articulation(发音方式): the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract.(p29) the place of articulation发音部位: where in the vocal tract there is approximation, narrowing, or the obstruction of air.(p30) the manner of articulation stops/plosives(爆破音): [p], [b],


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