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Terms about Enquires 询盘 Enquiry 询问,询价 inquire 具体询盘 Specific Enquiry 一般询盘 General Enquiry 询价单 Enquiry Sheet to inquire about 对...询价 to make an inquiry 发出询盘;向...询价 inquirer 询价者 报价 Quotation 递价 Bid 佣金 Commission 订单 Order 折扣 Discount 折让 Allowance 试订单 Trial Order 欧洲主要港口 European Main Ports 净价 Net Price 商标 Trade mark 品牌 Brand 规格 Specification 尺码 Size 批发商 Wholesalers 零售商 Retailers 分销商 Distributors 毛利 Gross Profit 式样 Style 设计 Design 模型 Model 花样 Pattern 销售条件 sales conditions 交货 to make delivery 即期交货 to make prompt-delivery Sentence Patterns 1. 对某产品感兴趣 (1)我们对各种男式衬衫感兴趣。 We take an interest in various kinds of Men’s Shirts. (2)我们对节能灯感兴趣。 We are interested in the Electronic Energy Saving Lamps. (3)我们对你公司的纺织品感兴趣。 Your textiles are of interest to us. Sentence Patterns 2. 要求寄送有关资料 (1)请给我们寄你们公司的样品。 We shall be glad if you will send us your samples. (2)如能寄送你们的样品和目录册,当十分感谢。 We shall appreciate it if you will send us your samples and brochure. (3)请寄来最新的目录和样品为感。 It will be appreciated if you could send us your latest catalogues and samples. Sentence Patterns 3. 要求报价 (1)请报你公司童车的CIF纽约最低价。 We shall appreciate it if you could make us the best offer for your Children’s Bicycles on CIF New York basis. (2)如能报印花细布的CIF纽约价当十分感谢。 We will be pleased if you could quote us a price for Printed Shirting on the basis of CIF New York. Sentence Patterns (3)请报我方500吨核桃的最低价。 Please make us your lowest quotation for 500 tons of Walnuts. 4. 其他要求 (1)请注意,如你方价格具有竞争性,我们将大量订购。 We have to point out that we intend to place a large order with you if your price is competitive. Sentence Patterns (2)我们拟提请你方注意,如你方价格合理我们将大量订购。 We have to draw your attention to the point that we will place substantial orders if your price is acceptable. (3)如你方价格可行,相信我们可以达成大笔交易。 If your prices are in line, we trust important business can be co


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