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中国地质大学长城学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 昌黎县城镇化对耕地的影响研究 系 别 地球科学与资源系 学生姓名 专 业 土地资源管理 学 号 指导教师 陈亚恒 职 称 副教授 2015 年 5 月 4 日 昌黎县城镇化对耕地的影响研究 摘 要 中国城镇化面临着加快发展与耕地保护的双重压力。一方面,改革开放以后,我国逐步放开了原有对人口流动的控制,大量农民工流向了城市,加快了城镇化的进程,带动了城市与农村的社会经济发展,改善了地区产业结构。另一方面,随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,在城镇化进程中不可避免地要占用一部分耕地,人口增多,耕地短缺,人多地少的基本国情要求人们必须十分珍惜和合理利用每一寸土地,切实保护耕地。如何协调城镇化发展与耕地保护之间的矛盾是当前亟待解决的问题。为此,全文以昌黎县为例,以城镇化对耕地的影响为研究点,通过对昌黎县近年来土地利用状况的变化为研究内容,运用理论与实践相结合、文献查阅、归纳分析与实证分析等方法,仔细分析所得数据,通过表格、图表直观展示了城镇化过程中建设用地侵占耕地的现状,分析了此种现象产生的原因与影响,并提出了相应的对策。 关键词:昌黎县;城镇化;耕地;保护措施 ABSTRACT The urbanization of China is facing dual pressure of speeding up development and cultivated land protection.On the one hand, after the reform and opening-up policy, our country gradually let go of the original population flow control, a large number of migrant workers to the city, accelerate the process of urbanization, promote the urban and rural social economic development, improved the regional industrial structure.On the other hand, with the rapid development of our economy and society, in the process of urbanization inevitably takes up part?of the cultivated land, population increase, arable land shortage, much less the basic national conditions requires people to cherish and reasonable use of every inch of the land, to protect arable land.How to coordinate the contradiction between urbanization development and cultivated land protection is an urgent problem to be solved.For this purpose, the full text with our caravan left changli county as an example, with the influence of urbanization of cultivated land as the research point, through to our caravan left changli county in recent years, the change of land use status as the research content, using the combination of theory and practice, literature review, inductive analysis and empirical analysis, careful analysis of the data obtained by tables, graphs shows the present situa


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