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语法填空答?题规律 一、命题揭秘 ???????? 材料短文特?点 (1)短文体裁:近三年都是?记叙文。建议:备考练习不?局限于此,应各种体裁?的文章都要?练习。 (2)短文题材:生活经历或?成语故事,其内容或体?现文化内涵?,或给人心灵?以启迪等。 (3)短文难度:没有超出课?标的生词,但有课标单?词的派生词?。 (4)短文长度:170——200词。 考试大纲说?明 ??????? 阅读下面短?文, 按照句子结?构的语法性?和上下文连?贯的要求, 在空格处填?入一个适当?的词或使用?括号中词语?的正确形式?填空, 并将答案填?写在答题卡?标号为31?~40的相应?位置上. ?????????????? 近四年广东?语法填空考?点分布情况? 知识点分布? 动词(含非谓语) 形容词 连词 介词 代词 冠词 名词 2009 3 0 1 2 2 1 1 2010 2 3 2 1 1 1 0 2011 2 2 2 1 2 1 0 2012 ?2? ?2 ?3?? ?1 1? 1? 0? ??? 2009年?语法填空 ?????? 本文讲叙J?ane在圣?诞节给父亲?选礼物,因往年送父?亲领带不能?使父亲高兴?,满以为这次?买烟斗送父?亲会让父亲?高兴的,买回来后却?被告知父亲?戒烟了。 ????? ?Jane was walki?ng round? the depar?tment? store?. She remem?bered? how diffi?cult???? 31???? was to choos?e a suita?ble Chris?tmas prese?nt for her fathe?r. She wishe?d that he was as easy????32?????(pleas?e) as her mothe?r, who was alway?s delig?hted with perfu?me. Besid?es, shopp?ing at this time of the year was not???? 33?????pleas?ant exper?ience?: peopl?e stepp?ed on your feet or? 34?? ? (push) you with their? elbow?s (肘部), 34 (hurry?) ahead? to get to a barga?in. ?????? Jane pause?d in front? of a count?er?? 35? ?some attra?ctive? ties were on displ?ay. “They are real silk,” the assis?tant tried? to attra?ct her. “Worth? doubl?e the price?.” But Jane knew from past exper?ience? that her?? 36??(choos?e) of ties hardl?y ever pleas?ed her fathe?r. ?? Jane stopp?ed where? a small? crowd? of men had gathe?red. She found? some good quali?ty pipes???? 37? ? sale. She did not hesit?ate for long: altho?ugh her fathe?r smoke?d a pipe only once in a while?, she knew that this was a prese?nt which? was bound? to pleas?e?? 38? . ???? When Jane got home, with her small? but well-chose?n prese?nt in her bag, her paren?ts were alrea?dy?? 39 ? table? havin?g suppe?r. Her mothe?r was excit?ed. “Your fathe?r has at last decid?ed to stop smoki?ng,” Jane?? 40? ?(infor?m). ?? 2008年?语法填空 Chine?se prove?rbs are rich and they are still? widel?y used in Chine?se peopl?e’s daily? life. 31 these? prove?rbs there? are often? inter?estin?g


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