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摘 要 老年人用品的短缺和老年人消费能力的增长使得老年人消费市场日益得到更多的关注,老年市场是值得积极开发的市场;另外,随着能源环境等问题的出现,电力成为今后代步工具良好的动力来源。本文是以老年人代步电动车的开发设计为目标,进行相关的研究工作,研究内容涉及设计开发的可行性分析,造型设计研究,人一机一环境关系研究等等。 在市场调研的基础上,对目前我国老年人消费能力、消费心理和老年人用品市场状况进行分析;同时对代步电动车国内市场进行分析,对该产品的技术的先进性、适用性、技术的可靠性、技术后果加以陈述,并且分析了制造成本,从而说明对老年人代步电动车进行商品开发具有可行性。 接着从道路、停车场等使用环境,其他车辆驾驶者及行人与老年人代步车的联系,说明环境对产品设计的影响:以及人体工程学、设计心理学等对老年人代步车的设计要求;强调老年人代步车设计开发中人-机-环境三者关系的和谐。 然后是确定老年人代步车车身外观设计的目标和流程,根据总体布置设计的要求提出老年人代步车外观多种方案,最后从车身覆盖件的分块设计,车身与车架的连接与固定等说明老年人代步车的结构设计方面内容。 本项研究的成果对设计新产品,改进旧产品可能会有重要参考价值,尤其是代步工具和老年人用品的设计开发。 关键词: 老年人用品 电动代步车 造型设计 人机工程 Abstract The age markets get more attention, because that merchandise for old people is missing and the old peoples abilities of consumption is increasing. Another thing,a1ong with the energy and environment of prob1em coming forth, the electric power becomes the good motive source of the vehicle .The dissertation discussed something about the feasible study on designing cell multi-wheeler for the age,the study on color and shape design, the relations study on the person-things- factors of circumstance. They investigated the state of the current old age market,and analyzed the abilities,behaviors and ideas of consumption on the old people .And, we collected the information about the design and development of the e1eetrie vehicle for the old people. The same time, then explained that the technology of the electric vehicle is favorable and that the electric vehicle design and development for the age is feasible. we briefly introduced the principle of modeling,the illusion phenomenon and how it is applied and corrected. Then we elaborated how choose the line type,how organized the lines and etc. They explained the environment(the road,parking,… )will bring the restrict of the size to the electric multi-wheeler for old people and something others. Moreover, we gave some examples to explain how the fundamental of the design psychology and the human factors engineering will change the mode ling of


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