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* 欢迎大家观看! * * Mortarless modular concrete units are easily transportable and therefore facilitate construction in difficult access locations. The mortarless construction and typically small segmental retaining wall unit size and weight allows installation to proceed rapidly. An experienced installation crew of three or four persons can typically erect 20 - 40 square meters of wall face per day. a) In this slide the geogrid reinforcement is attached to the facing column by extending each reinforcement layer over the concrete shear key to the front of the wall. The connection capacity is generated by friction between the geogrid and the flat surface of concrete units and interlock with the concrete shear key. b) In this slide the geogrid reinforcement is attached to the facing column by extending each reinforcement layer over the fiberglass shear pins at the front of the concrete units and uses the weight of the units to form a largely frictional connection. c) This system uses a mechanical device in the form of a polymeric combs to connect the reinforcement to the modular block facing units. d) This system uses a mechanical device in the form of a polymeric lock bar to connect the reinforcement to the modular block facing units. Most design guides specify a minimum value for the strength of the connection between the facing unit and the reinforcement. 地震区的应用 ② 我国是地震多发国家之一,项目组结合地震试验和在地震区的思茅、唐山、四川汶川映秀镇渔子溪等地的示范,为自嵌式景观挡土墙在地震区的应用提供了理论基础和工程范例。 唐山坏城水系治理工程 云南思茅河整治工程 * 普洱市思茅河挡墙 2007年06月03日云南普洱境内发生里氏6.4级地震,随后开展了灾后重建。思茅河整治工程位于普洱市思茅区,全长57.5公里。工程区地震动峰值加速度为0.2g,地震动反应谱特征周期值为0.45秒。相应地震基本烈度为八度,建议水工建筑物按八度设防。设计采用了自嵌式挡土结构。普洱思茅河使用了37704平方米挡土墙,施工期为12个月。 Company Logo * 普洱市思茅河挡墙竣工后照片 Company Logo * 江苏优凝舒布洛克公司在全国建设设置了工厂企业26家,按产品供应经济半径500公里计算,可覆盖全国20个省市,推广覆盖面积可达全国80%以上的地区。 溧水 无锡 徐州 镇江 江阴 北京 淮南 盐城 益阳 南昌 曲靖 大连 沈阳 太原 鹤壁 孝感 重庆 什邡 南宁 东莞 福州 西安 绍兴 6、项目的完成的主要内容 * (4) 科学研究与创新 ① 在实践应用的基础上,为了使挡土块型更加完善,使其结构更加新颖、性能更加完备、便于施工等,满足挡土块的施工要求,推广期间,提出了新的块型,获得挡土块发明专利和实用


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