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摘要 电子商务是利用现代信息网络进行商务活动的一种先进手段,作为创新的经济运行方式,其影响已经远远超过商业领域。为了跟上世界电子商务的发展潮流,缩短与发达国家之间的差距,每个人都应该从不同的角度积极了解电子商务、参与电子商务,尽快适应飞速发展的信息社会的需要。 针对当前蓬勃发展的电子商务浪潮,本文从理论和实践两个角度出发,对电子商务进行了深入的探讨。论文首先全面而系统的研究了构建一个电子商务网站所必备的各种知识与手段,接着从构建一个电子商务应用系统——网上书店入手,首先对系统的可行性进行了分析,然后对系统的设计思想、设计目标与系统的整体结构进行了详细的规划,在此基础上将上述理论知识与开发技术运用到系统的实现过程当中,完成了网上书店购物平台的构建过程。 论文在撰写过程中,力求将理论与实践相结合,在对电子商务理论进行阐述的同时,配合模拟系统从实际应用和操作技巧上加以说明,以期达到电子商务更深层次的理解与认识。 关键词:电子商务, ASP, Access数据库 Abstract Electronic Commerce is a kind of advanced business affairs, which recurs to modern information network. As an innovative economic mode, its influence has greatly preponderated over the domain of business. For the sake of keeping up with world tidal current of Electronic Commerce and shortening the gap between us and the developed countries, all of us should commit ourselves into knowing Electronic Commerce and participating in Electronic Commerce from different point of view so that we can adapt ourselves to the growing information society as soon as possible. Aiming at the current flourish tide of Electronic Commerce, this article discusses Electronic Commerce at length from the views of theory and practice. Starting with conceiving an application system of Electronic Commerce“bookshop online”, this article analyses the feasibility of the system, then minutely layouts the design thoughts, goals and the system holistic framework, in succession roundly researches various knowledge and technique which is indispensable to construct an Electronic Commerce network. With this understanding, the author applies the above-mentioned theories and technique to the system and accomplishes the construction of shopping platform of the bookshop online. During the course of writing this article, the author strives to integrate theory and practice. While expatiating the theory of Electronic Commerce, the author illuminates the application and operation skill combining the system so as to make a better understanding to Electronic Commerce. Keywo


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