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* D-E点,克服惯性阻力 * 图形的变化: 峰压升高; 起始阻力相关压力也升高; 平台压不变; 解释: 1. 机械通气时(VCV)吸气峰压(PIP)取决于四个因素: *阻力; *顺应性; *吸气流速; *潮气量 2. 吸气相气道阻力改变时,气道峰压发生改变而平台压保持不变,气道阻力R升高后,阻力造成的压力升高,导致峰压升高 3. 压力时间曲线不能反映呼气相的气道阻力,可通过呼气流速曲线分析 * 图形的变化: 峰压升高; 平台压升高; 起始的阻力相关压力不变; 解释: 核心现象是平台压升高, 注意峰压和平台压的差值不变,说明阻力没有变化; * 图形的变化: 平台压有起伏 解释: 核心现象是平台压上升下降,原因是病人有自主呼吸,吸气时压力下降,呼气时压力上升。在平台期,如果病人咳嗽,压力迅速上升很多 * 图形的变化: 在呼气开始前送气流量不到零; 无法在设定的吸气时间内输送预设的潮气量 解释: 由于限压,使流量不再恒定; 以压力为目标送气时,流量和容量可能受影响。 * 图形的变化: 在下一个吸气开始前呼气流量不到零 解释: 说明该呼气时间可能不足。 呼气时间不足,病人没有把残气呼完; 多余容量残留在肺中,产生潴留和PEEPi * 图形的变化: 呼气时间延长; 呼气峰值流量降低; 解释: 相对平缓的呼气流速曲线提示呼气阻力增加,影响病人呼气; 由于呼气不畅,病人可能用力主动呼气,增加呼吸功; 若呼气时间未设充足,会导致多余容量残留在肺中,产生潴留和PEEPi; * 容量-时间曲线反映吸气和呼气相吸入和呼出的气体容量随时间的变化过程。 The volume-time curve shows the gradual changes in the volume that is delivered during inspiration. Volume is typically measured in milliliters. Pictured in green is the inspiratory phase, in which volume increases continuously until the set tidal volume is achieved or the high pressure alarm limit has been reached, or I-Time has expired. During expiration, seen in yellow here, the transferred volume decreases, again due to the passive recoil of the lung. Generally, what goes in comes out, unless you have a leak in the patient circuit or the patient, or gas is trapped in the lung. * 呼气末曲线不能回复到基线0 了解呼吸机的工作状态 ----泄漏! * We have reviewed the normal components of the three standard time curves: Flow, Pressure, and Volume. Now, let’s investigate the normal components of the pressure-volume loop. Instead of plotting one parameter against time, the pressure-volume loop plots the interaction between pressure, on the horizontal axis, and volume, on the vertical axis. * On a ventilator-initiated mandatory breath, or VIM, the movement of the PV Loop is counterclockwise, starting with inspiration, shown here in green. During inspiration, the lung begins to fill and normally there is a simultaneous increase in both pressure and volume. * When the inspiration criteria are met,


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