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NPE definition: William H. Pratt John F. Hornick, The Threat of U.S. Patent Trolls to Japanese Companies, February 2008, at Slide 4. Troll image: /uploadFile/634171188005937500a.jpg * “Damages awards for NPEs have averaged more than triple those for practicing entities since 2001….NPEs have been successful 31 percent of the time overall versus 40 percent for practicing entities, due to the relative lack of success for NPEs at summary judgment. However, both have about a 2/3 win rate at trial.” PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 2010 Patent Litigation Study: The continued evolution of patent damages law: Patent litigation trends 1995–2009 and the impact of recent court decisions on damages, available at /us/en/forensic-services/publications/assets/2010-patent-litigation-study.pdf, at 5. “Between 2002 and 2009, the median [damages award] was $12.9 million for NPEs and $3.9 million for practicing entities.” PwC at 7. * Slide content from Lynn Wang, York Faulkner Weining Zou, Are NPEs ready for China?, Intellectual Property, July/August 2011, 76, 76–78. Tollbooth image: /uploads/stories/55aefa042e93ad4be8621026338b7dac.jpg China patent statistics chart: Id. at 77 (citing data from SIPO website, /statistics/) * * Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs) Organizations that acquire patents without the intention of developing or selling products covered by those patents 非专利实施实体 (NPEs) 收购专利,但无意开发或出 售这些专利所涵盖产品的组织 New Trends in Leveraging Patent Portfolios 利用专利组合的新趋势 NPEs in United States, 1995–2009: 1995至2009年的美国非专利实施实体: New Trends in Leveraging Patent Portfolios 利用专利组合的新趋势 NPEs Practicing Entities Success rate 31% 40% Win rate at trial ≈2/3 ≈2/3 Median damages award, 1995–2001 $5.2 million $6.3 million Median damages award, 2002–2009 $12.9 million $3.9 million Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2010 Patent Litigation Study 来源:普华永道,2010专利诉讼研究 非专利实施实体 专利实施实体 成功率 31% 40% 审理中的胜诉率 ≈2/3 ≈2/3 中等损害赔偿判付, 1995–2001 520万美元 $63 0万美元 中等损害赔偿判付 2002–2009 1290万美元 390万美元 NPEs in China? Cu


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