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2014届?高考英语二?轮复习强化?训练:完形填空(解析版)12 That morni?ng, I stepp?ed into the class?room, ready? to share? my knowl?edge and exper?ience? with seven?ty-five stude?nts who would? be my Engli?sh Liter?ature? class?. Havin?g taugh?t in for seven?teen years?, I had no about? my abili?ty to hold their? atten?tion and to impre?ss on them my for the liter?ature? of my mothe?r tongu?e. As I enter?ed the room, I was when the monit?or shout?ed: “Stand? up!” The entir?e class? rose, and I was somew?hat about? how to get them to sit down again?. Once that awkwa?rdnes?s was over, I quick?ly my calmn?ess and began? what I thoug?ht was an infor?med lectu?re, sure to gain their? respe?ct — perha?ps their? admir?ation?. I went back to my offic?e with the rosy glow which? came from a sense? of achie?vemen?t. I asked? my stude?nts to keep as homew?ork. Howev?er, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradu?ally by a stron?g sense? of sadne?ss. The first? diary? said, “Our liter?ature? teach?er didn’t teach? us anyth?ing today?. her next lectu?re will be bette?r.” Great?ly surpr?ised, I read diary? after? diary?, each expre?ssing? a theme?. “Didn’t I teach? them anyth?ing? I descr?ibed the entir?e philo?sophi?cal frame?work of Weste?rn thoug?ht and laid the histo?rical? for all the works? we’ll study? in class?,” I compl?ained?. “How they say I didn’t teach? them anyth?ing?” It was a long term, and it becam?e clear? that my ideas? about? were not the same as those? of my stude?nts. I thoug?ht a teach?er’s job was to raise? quest?ions and provi?de enoug?h backg?round? so that stude?nts could? their? own concl?usion?s. My stude?nts thoug?ht a teach?er’s job was to provi?de infor?matio?n as direc?tly and clear?ly as possi?ble. What a diffe?rence?! , I benef?ited a lot, for my exper?ience? with my Chine?se stude?nts has made me a Ameri?can teach?er, knowi?ng how to teach? in a diffe?rent cultu?re. 1.A. Engla?nd B. Ameri


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